
#1-2: The End of the Longest Surf Break in My Surfing “Career”

I think this was the longest break from surfing since I started surfing. Thanks to this blog that is a journal of my surf days and surf trips I’ve checked when my last surf was. It was 26th of October last year. This means 142 days and 19 hours have passed since my last surf. Damn. Covid-19 lockdowns made me miss new years surf trip and quite a few nice swells in the Adriatic sea. And it’s not looking that stellar for this year either. Anyway, we had a chance to go south for a week and when the departure date got closer the northern wind came on strong in the forecast. It looked like all time conditions with super strong wing up to 50 knots. This can kick up some interestingly sized waves. It also looked like there might be 3 or even 4 days of surfing. Way too optimistic haha. In the end we got two days of surfing, one not that good and the second a pretty good one. The size didn’t deliver though.

Either way, it was good to be back in the water. First few waves were like I was learning how to walk :) falling and stumbling to my feet, but second day it got better.

20.,21.3.2021 20km spot

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