
#13-14: Summer Bombs??

One of the best summer boardshort days on the local spot. Forecast looked okay, growing stronger not weaker like it is usually the case in summer. But then it also over delivered. Super fun walls and short boards, boardshorts and warm weather. Surfed for maybe 3,5 hours, then the wind got really strong towards the evening and we called it a day. We celebrated awesome waves and Mihas birthday with dinner in local restaurant. Then it was off to the second spot. A huge summer storm was pouring buckets of rain over us. Windshield wipers on full speed, driving only maybe 30km/h, fog lights on and you still could not see a thing. Crazy. Dawn patrol waves didn’t look like much so we went for a nap. Even after the nap waves still looked like crap, but since I had to go home soon, I went in. And it was sick?! I’m not sure what happened, maybe from the shore waves still looked like crap, but of was a proper windy day with walls to smack and rides into the bay. Two epic days!

NOA, Barba 13.-14.7.2021

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