
#13-15: Up and Down

Three days of surfing began with a late afternoon session using the first signs of the incoming swell. It wasn’t much, but I felt much better after the surf. I quickly packed everything and headed for the island. Idk what they did to the ferry price but the 15min ride price was ridiculous, what a rip off Jadrolinija. Not to mention that the ferry was leaking. Next day the waves picked up in the afternoon. And the kept picking up and up but… they were accompanied by the strongest wind I have ever witnessed on this spot. The wind was blowing out 3m high waves into pancake like mounds of water. The wind was too strong to windsurfers even with the smallest sails. Only further down the spot, the waves turned on their magic and it was pretty sick. In the evening we drove back to the ferry, but it was cancelled. I though it would be. While driving to the port, going slow with my van on the dirt road, the water spray from under the tires was overtaking me because of the strong wind:). So we spent the night in the port and boarded the first morning ferry at the same ridiculous price and same leaking ferry. We arrived to the usual spot a little after sunrise and if was a fun session on the ramains of the yesterdays swell.

NOA 22.2.,24.2.2024
The island 23.2.2024

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