
#22-23: Summer Time and California Vibes in Italy

Surfboard in water

When bora wind hits from the north east it usually means clear skies and low temperatures. Unless it’s in the middle of summer or in our case super warm last days of summer in mid September. Then it means clear skies, warm sea, hot air and California like surfing vibes. Waves in summer are usually small, but the warm weather more than makes up for that. If surfing on our side of the Adriatic pond usually means bad weather, clouds, wind and rain a glassy sunny hot session even with small waves is just soooo sick.

The forecast was sketchy though. The longboard crew was super pumped to go, but without a really long and fat board driving for 4.5h for 60cm forecast is a bit reckless. So with my car packed and 2h before departure I was still at work pondering weather to go or not to go. A 7’6″ that later turned out to be a 7’3″ (lol) that rides almost worse than my fat 5’10” was not a board that I was super excited to ride. But fuck it… if there are waves you are almost never sorry that you went surfing. Unless you end up on kookslams.

Friday was bigger than expected. Fun peaks near the pier and some left hand beach break waves that allowed some turns, almost glassy, super warm water, not many people… not bad! Saturday first we surfed on the other side of the pier in the river. Only session with the 7’3″ and even though the waves were even smaller during the second Saturday session, I had a better time on my 5’10” and on the regular side of the pier :D. I’m not really complaining about the first session either, waves were peeling really nicely, perfect little longboard peelers lit by the morning sun. We had some long rides, some party waves and some waves that disappeared under our boards.

Surfing Small Waves Near Ravenna Italy

Ravenna, 18.-19.9.2020

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