
#38: Flashlight Night Surfing

Night surfing. Photo: Miha Godec

When I get home from a surf trip I’m always anxious to cash in my I’ve-surfed-every-day stamina at our local spot. Usually it takes 2-3 week to get some waves just because 2-3 weeks is the period in which I have found that your paddling arms and back drift back to their pre-trip state. Well this time I was lucky. Two days after plane touchdown it was go time. Small but calm and glassy we stayed in the water till nightfall. And then, tadaaa, we took out our diving headlamps and took them for a test night surf session.

It kind of works, especially once you are on the wave, riding, but seeing the sets and the steepness of the wave as it approaches is almost impossible. Lamp needs a stronger LED bulb and I need another surf session soon :).

NOA, 31.3.2016

Photos: Miha Godec, Ivo, Split

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