
#47-49: Sketchy Surf Weather Forecasts

Trying to throw water at your girlfriend while waiting for waves

When Surf Forecasts Don’t Agree

Surf (and weather forecasts in general) have gotten way better but there are still times when they get it wrong. Or even more often, when different forecast from different models don’t show the same thing. When the forecast is solid all the different wind and wave models will show about the same thing. Sure the details will vary but you can be sure there will be something to surf. But when it is sketchy, when it changes all the time, which forecast do you follow? Eternal optimist will follow the one that is the most promising haha. Guy that really doesn’t want to go on a surf trip because he has to work or is too lazy or something will follow the worst one. “Meh, it’s going to be flat anyway.” So which one are you :D?

Surf Trip To South Of Tuscany

Mixed forecasts were also present for this weekend and even though it wasn’t perfect as the west coast of Italy can get, it was still really good and it felt so sick to be finally back on some real waves. Even the left point, the local mysto wave was working sporadically. Two days of fun punchy beachbreak in Ansedonia got us surfed out. Last day we moved up north where the waves should be bigger. Unfortunately the wind that was supposed to slow down in the morning seemed to be taking steroids during the night so the only way to escape it was to go even further up north to Levanto.

Levanto. A Love Hate Relationship

Man, recently every time I go to Levanto I am more and more disappointed. The town, the bay, the surrounding mountains are amazing. But the wave…it’s mostly crap. Depending on the size it is either to fat and barely breaking or closing out. The sweet spot is tiny and it got worse in recent years due to some works on the beach. Idk why it is so popular but every time it works it is flooded with surf beginners from all over Europe. Cars from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Czech… fill the parking lot and the lineup is a mess, an accident waiting to happen. You know…throw a bunch of people that can barely paddle their heavy plastic mini mals all over the punchy closing out wave, add a few longboarders, a few stand up paddlers, people swimming and you get a disaster soup.

Can’t wait till next time.

Ansedonia, Levanto 26.-29.7.2019

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