
#56-58: First Week Sardegna Surf Report

The biggest day in the forecast was the day we arrived on the island. And even that was nothing special. It was the end part of a nice swell run that we missed. Following days didn’t look that good so we sped down to the south east corner of the island for the first session. It was our first time in this part of Sardinia and it is equally nice as the rest of the island. I set my mark on the protected beach under a hill that should be clean but still with plenty of waves coming in. And the predictions were correct :)! We saw the open sea was pretty messy from the strong NE wind, but when we parked on the beach the spot was glassy. I’m not sure if it’s just the way this spot is but it was still very close-outy with a rideable wave here and there. It was still fun and the waves had some punch, especially the rights. We spent two more days in the area with waves dropping each day and on the last day when it was super small I managed to catch a few waves in my boardshorts, just because, why not, It was so small I knew it would be a short session anyway. After that we had some super fun days stand up paddling, free diving (there is an underwater statue of Virgin Mary close by) and rock climbing. A really nice end to the year of surfing. 58 surf days in 2024.

Capo Carbonara area: 26., 27., 28.12.2024

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