
#78: Avoiding The Crowds Surf Trip

The regular sized ones were hugging the reef nicely, long rides for not the biggest size

Short days, fog, darkness all got me convinced that my hooded 5/4 mil is the way to go. Well, it was not. It was hot as hell and after a super fun 4h session I felt like a have just crawled over the Sahara desert. With borderline forecast we were sharing the lineup with just two locals and 5 or 6 windsurfers. In the afternoon the all left so I was surfing alone for the last 1.5h while fun sets were still coming in. They were so much fun actually that when I finished surfing and just came back to the beach to take a few GoPro photos I ended up surfing for another 45 minutes :).

The island, 24. 11. 2018

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