
#79-80: Something New

Poor mans vanlife is carlife :) With waterproof travel backpack from DryTide to keep me company...

Weird two days of surfing. First day we scored a fun super early session, it was alright until I drove up to NOA where sets 2 times the size of the spot we surfed said something like…”You should have been here earlier!”. Watching video clips of morning conditions didn’t help. Well, it’s surfing in the Adriatic, you never know.

Next day it was supposed to be best around noon. The conditions were following the forecast like they should the whole morning. But right when it was supposed to be the best and we started to get ready to hit the water the waves started dropping. WTF?! So we went on a little search and ended up surfing a new spot :). That’s not something that happens very often here…finding a new spot. I mean, the coast potential is there, but the swell is usually missing :).

Barba, NOA, 8.-9.12.2018

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