
#97: From Jamaica With Love

With recent break in experience we drove the car all the way to the sea so we could keep an eye on it while in the water.

When it comes to surfing in NE Italy the surf guide usually says something like long left perfect for longboarders, or a frame in front of xy restaurant, or workable right next to the pier…but then in real life all the spots look pretty much the same – crappy peaks spilling over one another without any wall to surf on. It has something to do with shallow sandy bottom that extends far out into the sea. It’s okayish but… Well, until yesterday. The forecast was a bit weird, but promised nothing on “our” side of the sea and a little something on the other side with only minimal wind. We had time, we had a car, and we had some errands to run in Italy…so off we went.

Glassy it was, as glassy as only a landlocked sea can get. No wind, from time to time a really gentle offshore. And it was cold, nowhere near the promised 16C sea temps. First spot next to the pier demanded some creativity like surfing a left by going right to get some wall but with 10 minutes sun intermission it was good fun. Feeling cold and hungry we hit the local pizza joint and then checked another spot. The guide said a fast right hand wave. From the parking lot it looked exactly the same as the other 1 million peaks that we could see – nothing special. Feeling a bit cold we were hesitant to hit it but… since we are already here. It’s not hard to push the fish into the sea.

And then it came, the first set, and it WAS a fast right hand wave. Wave after wave after wave. Sooo much fun!

Jamaica man, 3.12.2016


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