BMX Double Backflip
BMX double backflips are not that rare these days but they are still the OMFG of the crowds. The bike is a little smaller and lighter so it turns around quicker than a mountainbike and BMX freestyle has much longer history that mountainbike. Double backflips are even being pulled in competition. One of the freestyle BMX legends Dave Mirra has done it in X-Games…and won.
Dave Mirra
Dave Mirra was born on April 4, 1974 in Chittenango, New York and has won almost everything a guy can. He holds the record for most X-Games medals, standing (and gold medals). Sounds crazy but he has medaled in every X-Games since they started in 1997. So far his neck can be weighted by 18 X-Games medals.
Dave Mirra – X-Games Run with a double backflip
[youtube]5PxCaxWPcFs[/youtube]Another 2x backflip video and it’s not all a walk in the park…
The first one was done in BMX competition in Cologne in 2004 by Chris Mahoney.
[youtube]AnAuvnwjHhE[/youtube]But don’t let the videos fool you, pulling double backflips like nothing isn’t easy. You are going to eat dirt sooner or later.