
Kook Days: 8 Most Common Beginner Surfer Mistakes

Surfing is a super fun sport however, unfortunately it’s not as easy as it looks. The pros make it look effortless when they’re out there, and when watching it on TV or YouTube it looks super simple. You just jump on your board and start riding. But it is not. Far from it. It is one of the more demanding sports to master. No wonder there are so many possibilities for beginner surfer to make mistakes. Some even say that if you did not start surfing as a kid you will never be really good.

That does not mean it is not fun right from the start. But don’t expect to be good at it really quickly. Many beginners underestimate the time and effort that goes into becoming a good surfer. To speed up your progress make sure you start right. Take lessons, watch YouTube tutorials, observe better surfers. The more you know, the better (and less painful) the experience will be, and the faster you’ll progress. Even so, you will still make mistakes. All surf beginners make mistakes, I sure did quite a few. That’s all part of learning. To help you start, here are 8 most common beginner surfer mistakes that will be a dead giveaway that you have no idea what you are doing:).

8 Beginner Surfer Mistakes To Avoid

Putting your leash on the wrong leg

There’s nothing funnier than seeing a rookie surfer with his/her leash around the wrong ankle. Except maybe seeing someone put the fins on backwards. Or seeing someone wax the bottom of their surfboard. Or seeing someone put on the wetsuit backwards. Hm, actually there are plenty of funnier things, but the leash mistake is still a fun one. So, don’t start your surfing journey on the wrong foot, make sure your leash goes on your back ankle. Which foot should be your back foot? Your strongest leg should be at the back to give you the most stability when you’re standing on your board. This is usually the same foot that is at the back also when you snowboard, skateboard etc… Avoid this rookie mistake so you don’t feel like fool the first time you get into the water; it’ll definitely avoid some embarrassment. By the way – here is how the leash was invented.

Using a board that’s too small

Beginners often look at better surfers and see that they are using short and pointy surfboards. Obviously you want to use the same board that good surfers use. We told you before to observe better surfers! :) Well not in this case. Big beginner mistake!

When it comes to surfing beginners surfboards, the bigger the better. Surfing is one of the sports where beginner equipment is way different from the equipment of people that know how to surf. In many sports pro equipment is just better, more durable and more expensive. But in the case of surfing it is simply wrong for you. When it comes to beginner surfboards (check this article to find out more about choosing your beginner surfboard) the bigger the board, the better. Bigger surfboard is easier to stand up on, it is easier to catch a wave with, it gives you a bigger platform to stand on (or try to stand on), it is more buoyant and therefore more stable and easier on your balance, it is easier to paddle etc… So, don’t be a kook, make sure your board is the right size for your skill (or your lack of skills). If you’re unsure then don’t be afraid to ask a fellow surfer or your instructor.

The downside to bigger boards is that bigger boards are harder to maneuver and impossible to duckdive, but let’s face it, you’re not going to be doing cut backs at this stage, are you? You need to get there first.

Not waxing your board

Slip, slap, slop doesn’t have to relate to sunscreen only. Ensuring that your surf board is correctly waxed will make sure that you’re not slipping and sliding around the place. It’s hard enough to stand on the board as it is, so don’t make it even more difficulty for yourself. Before you head out, make sure that your board has enough wax to give you the right amount of grip. Oh, and the wax goes on the upper side of the surfboard, you know, where you will be standing not at the bottom (check out this complete how to wax guide). By the way, waxing the bottom of your board is called a Chinese wax job.

Also, don’t forget to use wax that’s best suited to the temperature of the water. If you’re in a tropical climate then use warm water wax, and vice versa.

Underestimating the ocean

This is the one mistake that has a potential of not only not being funny but turning ugly pretty fast. The ocean is a beautiful part of nature, but she is also fierce. Many surfing beginners don’t respect the power and unpredictability of the ocean and get caught in the process. Sometimes the consequences can be severe. Before going out there, make sure that you have a good look at the beach and the water. Sometimes the wisest thing to do is not even going in the water. You should be able to identify rips and unpredictable spots, as well as busier sections – avoid, avoid, avoid! Make sure that your swimming strength is strong in case you need to get yourself out of a tricky situation. Watch where other surfers go in and out of the water. And never, I REPEAT NEVER, turn your back at the ocean. Turning your back to a shorebreak is kook of the day or even kookslams material in the making (two famous surf Instagram accounts).

As long as you don’t take the power of the ocean for granted then you should have a schweet session.

Where is the front of the wetsuit

When in colder water you will be wearing a wetsuit. First time wetsuit users often think that OBVIOUSLY the wetsuit zipper goes in front! How on Earth would you zip up otherwise?? So they get a rental wetsuit and a surfboard and go change. And they come back with zipper in front. After a few laughs they go and change again. To avoid this – the zipper goes on the back and you zip up by pulling on the cord attached to the zipper. Pull the cord over your shoulder and you are done. There are however chest zip wetsuits where the zip goes in front. This zipper is shorter and goes across your chest. Then there are zipper less wetsuits that have no zipper. Hm, actually. Forget about the zipper. Check the knees of the wetsuit. Knees are always reinforced at the front of the wetsuit because well… this it where your knees are:).

Getting on your knees

Since we are already talking about reinforced knees… No one likes grovelling, and as a beginner surfer you shouldn’t have to. While standing up isn’t easy at the best of times, many beginners make the mistake of getting onto their knees first. This is a bad habit to start with and worth avoiding. So, if you can avoid the two step pop up, get up onto your feet in one go.

If you are able to “jump” and stand on your surfboard without kneeling, you’ll have greater balance from the moment you get up. What does that mean for you? Your next ride will be epic!

Upsetting the locals

You know what they say. If you feel like you have a hard time meeting new people try taking off on the wrong wave:). When it comes to surfing, there are some unwritten rules. Things like dropping in (surfing a wave without priority) will upset the locals for sure. “The surfer closest to the peak has the right of way”. If you’re further away from the peak than another surfer, don’t be a douche and get in their way. Dropping in won’t get you very far, and is guaranteed to make you some enemies.

Do some research when it comes to surf etiquette before you jump into the water, and it’ll make your surfing experience that much more fun.

Ending up like a lobster

This is where slip, slop, slap comes into play again. Before getting into the water, you need to ensure that you’re protected from the harsh rays of the sun. Slip, slop, slapping sunscreen as well as zinc will make sure that you don’t end up “cooked” after your session. And since you’ll spend a lot of your time lying on your board, don’t forget to protect your buns and the back of your legs. This is the typical rookie mistake, not protecting the back of your legs, because usually this is not a place you get burned.


When you first start a new sport, you’re bound to make some mistakes. Surfing is probably one of the most difficult yet exhilarating sports out there. Don’t take yourself too seriously; be prepared to laugh out loud at yourself (lol). And don’t forget to have some fun!

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