
Used Surfboards: 9 Reasons To Get One

Why and when is a used surfboard a good idea? Why buy a used surfboard? I understand why people would not want to buy a used wetsuit (I will not go into details why is that :) ), but there is no reason why you should not get an used surfboard. There are quite a few reasons, times and places when buying a used surfboard is a very good idea. To help you with that, 360Guide gives you a used surfboard guide.

9 Reasons To Get a Used Surfboard

1. You just got divorced and your spouse took most of your money – It is always a good idea to save some money, so you can better spend it on groceries, mortgages and weed. Or you can blow it later on that Indo trip of course.

2. You heard of this surfing thing, now you want to try it reason I – if you are new to surfing, you should get a beginners board. All it matters is that it floats and has lots of volume. No need to spend big bucks for a board that you will I am sure  (If you become serious about surfing) replace in a year or so.

3. You heard of this surfing thing, now you want to try it reason II – new, shining white, without a scratch surfboard won’t last 5 minutes in the hands of the beginner. You will probably dent it twice before you even bring it home (once putting it against the wall while you open your car and second time when you put it in the car… and probably when you take it out too :) )

4. You heard of this surfing thing, now you want to try it reason III – as a beginner it is very likely that you are a kook. OK that you do not have any idea what kind of board do you want and even more what kind of board do you need. So you will end up buying the wrong board or the board that the surf shop sold you. Only after you pay your surfing dues and get a firmer grip on at least a piece of surfing knowledge – then go for what you like.

5. On the road again I – this one could be placed under the save money reason, but it makes even more sense to buy a used surfboard if you are traveling. You come to a place where you will stay for two weeks, you did not bring your boards (because it’s to expensive, they get dinged into oblivion by airlines etc…)…no what? It makes sense to get a used board if you are only going to use it 20 times.

6. On the road again II – if you do not own a surftech or any other “bulletproof surfboard” it is always a gamble to bring your brand new expensive stick on the plane and leave it in the mercy of “who can throw this metal plated 50 lb (22kg) suitcase so it lands on that surfboard… with an edge”.

7. I love that surfboards shape – sometimes you just find a used surfboard that has a shape you always wanted. Or a used surfboard that is something new, different from what you usually ride. Get a used surfboard and expand your quiver.

8. Sucker seller – sometimes you find someone that did not follow the advice in reason number two and bought himself a 6’2″ for his first rendezvous with the waves. Now he is selling it after a week. There can be many reasons why people are selling almost new surfboards really cheap. Just make sure you do not end up as a sucker buyer. More on that later.

9. Vintage surfboards – vintage surfboard are used surfboards. Any old surfboard is used, if its not… what the hell was the owner thinking? Lets hang it on the wall for 30 years so I can sell it after?

You can see there are more that enough reasons to get yourself a use surfboard. Buying a used surfboard can either be a perfect way to get a deal on a good board or it can be a source of anger, tears and flying pans. There are some key things you need to know before you venture into the wild world of used surfboards …. buuuUUUuuuu. But since this is quite long already we will continue in part two of this used surfboards guide.

It’s no rocket science, really. It is much easier that buying a used car.

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