
Wave Poll

Wave pools. Yuck. Who needs them. Well, just about any surfer that lives more than an hour away from the beach :). We already mentioned the biggest wave pool in the United Sates and another kind of wave pool, that is not an actual pool – in London surfers will be able to surf the Thames river. The company behind the first one is called Liquid Evolution Adventure Parks (LEAP) and they just launched their own website.

Liquid Evolution Adventure Parks can bring waves to your front yard – they can set it up in nearly any commercial location and the waves the make can range from standing two-foot waves to 150 thousand-square-foot wave pools, producing waves as large as 12-feet high. So if you are a starved landlocked surfer with a rich uncle or you have some connections and influence – your troubles just might be over :)

A Wave Pool Testing Clip

This one comes from a company called ASR from New Zealand that also makes artificial waves.


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