
4 Family-Friendly Winter Activities

In the run up to Christmas, especially once school is out for the holidays, it can be a lot of fun to think of things to do together that help you enjoy the season together. Whatever the ages of the people you want to entertain, here are some ideas for family friendly activities that you can all do together and enjoy this winter!

Go to See a Festive Show

Many families make it a tradition to go and see a show together around Christmas, which actually dates back to the British tradition of the pantomime – a funny, fairytale themed show put on around Christmas that is designed to entertain adults and kids alike. Pantomimes aren’t the only kind of thing you can go and see to get into a festive mood with your family, however, and there are all kinds of plays, musicals, and live music performances that could be suitable. Check out ticketsales.com to find tickets to all sorts of live events, including sports as well as music and stage shows.

Snowing in New York

Go Ice Skating

Going to a skating rink is the perfect way to get that wintry feeling, and many cities have outdoor ones just for the Christmas season, as well as the year round indoor ones you could also visit. Getting dressed up warm and gliding around on the ice while Christmassy music plays can be a lot of fun, and it is also great exercise. You can usually rent ice skates at the skating rink, so you don’t need your own equipment – simply inquire about times to make sure you’re going at a time suitable for the ages of younger kids if you’re bringing them, and for beginners if you’ve never skated before.

Spend a Day Doing Christmas Crafts

There are loads of tutorials online that can allow you to find fun Christmas crafts suitable for all ages and skill levels. You can try making some homemade decorations, baking Christmas treats, making Christmas cards, or even having a go at making things you can give as gifts. Crafts can be a lot of fun and kids always love them, but adults can find some interesting things to make for the season too. Just have a browse on crafting blogs and for tutorials for different crafts on YouTube to find some inspiration, and then set aside a day to hit the craft shop and get started!

Go to See the Christmas Lights Somewhere Special

Going shopping after dark, visiting a beautiful German style Christmas market, or seeing the Christmas lights somewhere beautiful can be a really magical way to get into the festive mood. Find out which malls or city centers near you are going to big efforts with their decorations this year and make a trip out to see some beautiful lights and Christmas trees. You can combine the trip with getting some of your Christmas shopping done, too!

These are just a few ideas for fun things you can do as a family that can help you celebrate the best of the winter season!

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