
5 Items You Need To Prepare Before Traveling To A Cold Country

Winter travel

Traveling to a cold country one of these days can be an exciting adventure. There is something beautiful in white, clean and peaceful snow covered landscape. And there are some experiences that can only be lived in winter. However, dealing with cold weather is a bit more tricky than preparing for your summer vacations.

Going on a trip to a cold country, like Scandinavia, a being unprepared can be uncomfortable or even dangerous. You can get sick or even suffer from hypothermia. So in this article we will give you some information about the most common items you need to take with you on a cold weather trip.

  1. Jackets

One of the most important items you need for cold weather is a good winter jacket.  A good winter jacket will keep you warm in cold weather and also stop the wind. There are usually two types of winter jackets.

Thinner ones are meant as an outer shell that is wind and water proof to protect you from the weather. There are great if you will be active in do sports outside. If you get cold wearing there you can put something warmer underneath. This is called layering and is the recommended way to dress in cold weather.

The second type of winter jackets are thick warm fleece or down winter jackets. There are for times when it gets extremely cold or when you know you will not be active when wearing them. For instance walking around the city or something similar. These will keep you warm all by themselves without adding extra layers.

So when traveling to a cold country, either get a really warm fleece jacket or maybe a down jacket. In doing so, you won’t have to worry about getting frozen and sick because of the cold temperature.

  1. Boots

Cold weather can be a problem in a number of ways, but the second most important item after a good winter jacket are boots. Cold feet are a recipe for disaster. So get a good pair of winter boots that have insulated soles. Also bring warm winter socks. This combo will keep you feet warm in cold weather.

In most cases, winter boots are also ready for snow or at least more waterproof than regular boots. Again, if you have some really snow connected activities in mind then you might want to bring special boots designed for snow. Also, even best boots can get wet from time to time so if you have room, a spare pair of boots or at least sneakers is a good idea.

  1. Hand Warmers

Hand warmers are special pads that radiate heat when needed. When it is extremely cold or when your hands and feet are cold already and you can not get them to warm up even with winter socks and boots and winter gloves then hand warmers can be used. They are also useful for outdoor adventures like ice skating and even camping.

  1. Gloves

When traveling to a cold country, one of the best ways to protect your hands is by wearing gloves. If you choose to wear a pair of wool gloves while traveling to cold places, make sure they’re thick and comfortable so you can keep your hands warm. Wool or any type of knit gloves are usually used for going out in the city when it’s cold or for any activities where there is no danger of getting them wet.

If you will be doing things snowball fights, skiing, snowboarding, making a snow man… any activity where you touch the snow a lot, then it is much better to get special ski/snowboard gloves. These will also be waterproof and will stay dry even when playing in snow.

  1. Scarves

A warm scarf is also quite useful. Especially if you expect the weather to be really cold and if you won’t be very active when outside. So a warm scarf is a must if you are going for a walk around the city in the evening or something like that. It is also useful when it’s windy. But if you will be doing something more active, like hiking, then a scarf is usually too much and you will be hot.


Traveling is one of the best things you can ever experience in life. But especially in winter, you need to be prepared for your trip. Not having the right gear in winter can be at least very unpleasant or on the other hand even really dangerous! So some planning to travel safely in winter is necessary.

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