
How to Find a Travel Companion For a Surf Trip

Looking for shelter from the wind in Sines

Traveling with friends or other people, in general, is a very good idea even for experienced travelers. And if you want to do something at least a bit dangerous(like surfing) this is almost a must. There are a lot of benefits on traveling with a company. It is much more fun to be able to talk to someone and to share the same experience. It might also be better for your wallet as you might be able to share a room and split transport costs. But most importantly you’ll have someone watching your back. That includes both giving you a second opinion on your decisions and providing you help in case of some emergency. Having someone you know when you get sick in a foreign country or having a reliable partner during the activities is priceless. Another pair of eyes is always beneficial.

A lot of people are afraid to go on a potentially exciting trip if they do not have a friend that is available to join them. If you are worried that you won’t be able to find a suitable surf partner or partners while you are traveling – don’t. There is a lot of advice about what to do when traveling alone. In this day and age, finding a partner for a surf trip is really easy. All you need is your phone!

You can start by contacting the local surfing club. It’s one of the easiest ways to find a surf buddy. You would easily find like-minded people there and it is possible that you may find a fellow countryman who’s in the same situation as you. It’s also a good way to find some useful local information for your surf traveling.

Another good way for affordable travel, as well as finding company, is couchsurfing. There are a lot of forums and groups where couchsurfers find like-minded people and generally a company for drinks or something. There is no guarantee you’ll find someone but you might get lucky.

Before going on your surf trip check the travel forums. People often look for the company for traveling because it’s easier and more fun when you’re not traveling alone. You might get in contact with people who are already on their trip in the same place you’re going to or with people who are traveling to the same location. Just check the forums and don’t hesitate to write to people. You can also check local networks(i.e. DoULike). There are also good chances you might find a fellow surfer singles there and who knows, maybe you’ll find something more than a partner for one trip.

Joining a specific tour is a guaranteed way to have a company for a trip. You don’t choose who you are going with but usually, there are at least several people you can see eye to eye with. The tour operator also provides more info about the place you are going to, can provide accommodations and support you in other ways. You can usually contact your local guide if you have any questions so it’s a pretty comfortable and safe way to travel. It costs more to travel this way but it is a safe option. Especially if it’s your first time.

Finding a good companion is partially a matter of luck but there are some things you should look for. Obviously, the best partner is someone who you’ve already traveled and you are sure about. Finding a trustworthy partner is very important when traveling abroad to surf. Another good thing is the ability to find a middle ground. You wouldn’t want to spend a portion of your trip arguing about trivial stuff. Cultural sensitivity is another good thing to have. Both you and your partner should understand and at least try to follow local culture. Offending your hosts or being hostile because of your language or cultural differences is not the best idea. It’s better to have a friendly relationship with the locals than being considered as just another jerk.

Having a surfing trip with a good partner will greatly enhance your experience and make a trip safer. Choose a method that suits you best and follow simple guidelines to find a suitable partner or partners.

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