
Top 10 Cool Things You Can Do in Singapore For Free

Singapore skyline

Singapore is one of the main travel hubs in Asia. If you are flying to Asia it’s a pretty good chance that you will stop or change flights in Singapore. Weather you are going on a surf trip to Mentawais or just to travel around Asia, Singapore is not only an airport for a connecting flight. It is an awesome city that is worth visiting on its own. If you are on a budget or short on time there are plenty of free things that you can do in Singapore. They won’t cost you much (or anything at all) and will help you to add an extra feather on the cap as you get to see some of the best attractive places of that city without paying for it. There are several free activities to dive into while you are on holiday in Singapore.

Here is a list of places you may visit free of cost in Singapore

Gardens by the Bay
Colorful streets of Singapore
Marina bay Singapore

Spending time with your friends in an exotic location like Singapore will stay with you forever.  And since so many amazing sights in Singapore are free, even a budget traveler can catch a glimpse of the place’s culture and tradition. S stop in Singapore will for sure be a worthwhile one. If you are short on time, then make sure you pre-plan your journey in a manner that lets you check off as many places from this list as possible.

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