
#19-21: Go West

Easy like a Sunday morning.

After the super fun island trip things calmed down to it’s normal “worst season ever” routine. Maybe this is the new reality? Not a downward decline from the average but a return to normal? Hope not. One “I didn’t really think there would be waves but I went anyway” trip to the North of Albania surf spot, a beer there with some friend and horses sticking their heads through our van window were the highlights. So it was again time for some quality surf that can be found on the west coast of Italy. Friday was big and messy so we headed to the protected spot which did it’s usual “I look epic in the photos but in reality I’m just a closeout” routine. Apart from one or two rippers sliding into pigdog stance right from the takeoff and getting some tunnel vision the rest of us were more or less buyoing in the lineup haha. Putting all my rides together I surfed maybe for 50m? But it was still fun and waves got better towards the evening.

Next day we woke up at the “I look epic in photos and am also sooo fun to surf” spot. The sound of the alarm clock going off at 5:50 (first light is at 6am) makes you think naaah…maybe I can sleep a little bit longer. Then 5 seconds after you open your eyes you can hear the first car arriving. Then the second, third, a car door opening and closing, sound of boards, wax, more cars, more doors, more boards and in 2 minutes I was fully awake pulling on my wetsuit :). What followed was a full day of super fun surf. I think I surfed for 7 hours all together. This is also why there are no photos.

Last day was a gamble. The morning routine was similar. Swearing at the clock and thinking it is for sure flat and not worth getting up. No cars arriving was also not a good sign. But driving for 6h to the west coast of Italy to then sleep while you could be surfing got me up to check the waves. You know the times when you don’t expect much and you arrive at the beach and it’s really small and then you wait and wait and wait just in case if a set wave arrives? Well, the opposite of that haha. The moment I stepped on sand and looked at the sea two fun sized waves broke in the completely empty lineup. This had to be the shortest surf check ever. Two minutes later I was already suited up paddling to the peak. It was very small, but totally surfable and fun.

Tuscany, 15.-17.3.2019

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