
#40: One of the Longest Flat Spells Ever and Then This

huge storms in Europe

Processed with VSCO with x1 preset

OK, maybe it wasn’t completely flat, but after returning from Indo and making a super small session at home I kind of didn’t find time and motivation for a couple of xxs sessions that followed. But after that came the long hot summer with super stable weather, sunny blue skies, not a cloud in sight, no wind, no storms, no northern wind sessions like we had almost every year, nothing, complete crepe flatness.

Until September 12th. South west / west wind with good sized waves. Warm water and warm air. Floods in the way down. Minimal crowds. Almost no wind first 1.5h, then a strong storm passed over the surf spot blowing out everything but suddenly it was gone and waves returned to glass. Had a couple of good ones, good to be back.

Barba, 12.9.2024

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