#40: One of the Longest Flat Spells Ever and Then This

OK, maybe it wasn’t completely flat, but after returning from Indo and making a super small session at home I kind of didn’t find time and motivation for a couple of xxs sessions that followed. But after that came the long hot summer with super stable weather, sunny blue skies, not a cloud in sight, no wind, no storms, no northern wind sessions like we had almost every year, nothing, complete crepe flatness.

Until September 12th. South west / west wind with good sized waves. Warm water and warm air. Floods in the way down. Minimal crowds. Almost no wind first 1.5h, then a strong storm passed over the surf spot blowing out everything but suddenly it was gone and waves returned to glass. Had a couple of good ones, good to be back.

Barba, 12.9.2024

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