
#46: Feels Good To Surf After a Long Break

Surfers parking in front of the spot where you watch the action in water, chill and talk about surfing.

I have missed a few really good local sessions after coming back from Indo. The reason was a small infection my foot. It wasn’t big, but the cuts just would not heal until I hit them with antibiotics. So my last surf was in Indo and that was like idk 5 weeks ago. The forecast for east coast of Italy wasn’t great. It promised around 80cm of waves and moderate winds. Which in other not so polite words could be written also as shit. The east coast of Italy is never that great even if the forecast is stellar. So I wasn’t exactly pumped to go there, but man…it’s surfing :D. And after two sessions on Saturday I was not sorry. What it lacks in waves it gives back in warm water and sunny weather. We almost never surf in sun and warm water on our side of the Adriatic so it is a special feeling to be able to do it so close to home. Surf vibes are just amplified by sun and after session parking lot talks. After surf we moved to the Dolomites and we spent the next day mountain biking. When so much stuff happens in just 2 days when I get back it feels like it was a week.

Lamone, 29.6.19

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