
Snowboarding Season in the Alps 20/21

With covid lockdown the surfing part of life is really suffering. Suffering meaning there is none. I almost can not remember the last surf I had. I have also hit the lowest amount of surf days in a year in a long long time. 32 days? So sad, and still waiting for that #1 in the new year. On the other hand the winter has been pretty generous around here. If you remove the “when it’s snowing there are also waves” thoughts from your head we were blessed with lots of snow and cold weather that kept the snow in powder condition for days! With the ski resorts closed (they have opened recently) we did lots of hiking and splitboarding and I almost like it when everything is closed. The powder stays untracked for days, there aren’t many people around… Anyway, here are two short clips from this winter. When you manage to hit the snow after work in the middle of winter it means one sunset run if you are fast enough and then a few more runs in the dusk and night. Snowboarding with mountain bike lights in between snow covered spruce trees in the middle of the night is really surreal.

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