Surf Like A Girl

We just can’t help ourselves, the name of this website / online magazine is so catchy we just had to take a peek what…

Sponsor A Surfer This is not some program to help hungry homeless surfers on the beach of some forgotten Indo island, give them clothes and education……

Nikita Clothing

We do not usually wear girls clothing… actually we never do :) But Nikita is one piece of cotton worth mentioning since…well, the clothes…

Youriding 1.4

Yet Another YouRiding Post This is getting obsessive, we are making another Youriding post that will make the last three blogposts on the frontpage…

Youriding wave by wave

YouRiding Tips: Wave by Wave This is a collection of Youriding tips and trick for specific waves on the Youriding world map. We suggest…

Youriding tips & tricks

NOTE: This article is about an older version of Youriding, some tips might still work. Youriding is a new online flash surfing game We…

The Stash

Burton-Northstar Stash What is stashed in the stash? A bunch of fun if you ask us. Huh? The Stash is a new project / thing /…


JettyGirl OnLine Surf Magazine JettyGirl is a on line surf magazine that focuses on womens surfing. Girls Ride Harder every time we look. They…

Surfing Radio Helmet

Surfing Radio Helmet

These babies were introduced a while ago, first time we heard about them was when Layne Beachley got one on during her heats on…

Rasta Future Fin

Rasta Future Fin

Rasta (David “Rasta” Rastovich) got his signature fin with Future Fins. Black Rasta Fin is called Vector Rasta Keel and is sporting a white…