Some wetsuit care can make you wetsuit last longer and can be the difference between one season or a good couple of years of use, of course depending on how frequently you use your wetsuit. So take good care of it and it will keep you warm. Here are the do and don’t of the wetsuit care.

Table of Contents
In really hot water neoprene looses some of its flexibility. Getting out of your wetsuit under a really hot shower after a cold water session might feel like the best thing ever, but not for your wetsuit. So take your wetsuit off first, then soak yourself in warmth.
If you remember one thing from this wetsuit care list this should be it. Do not leave your wetsuit exposed to the sun when not necessary! Sun is the neoprene’s worst enemy. UV rays cause the neoprene to age quicker. Old neoprene gets harder and looses its flexibility. Dry your wetsuit in the shadow if you can. If you dry it in the sun at least put it away as soon as it is dry. Even more, I think it is better to store your wetsuit in the dark place (closet) when you are not using it.
I know lots of people just want to dry their wetsuits as soon as possible before the next session because not many things in life suck more than putting on a cold wet wetsuit. And that’s perfectly fine. Just know that your sun dried wetsuit might not last as long as it otherwise would.
Do not leave you wettie in the trunk of your car in a parking lot on a hot day. Cooking wetsuits is the last resort only for when you are really hungry:).
Dry your wetsuit inside out. So you will keep the flexibility of the outer side and if the wetsuit is not completely dry when you are putting it on – you will still crawl into the drier side.
Store your wetsuit on flat surface or wide coat hanger. Why a wide hanger? A narrow one can make permanent indents into wetsuit shoulders. Actually, I think the best way to hang it is over the waist like in the photo (and use a wider hanger than in the photo:)!). Anyway – do not smash the wetsuit into a small drawer all wrinkled. It says so in the wetsuit instructions for a reason.

Surf wax sticks to neoprene, get over it! There is no elegant way to get it off and it will rub on quickly again anyway.
A wet wetsuit full of sand and dirt is loads of fun to put on (not really) and even if you will have a chance to rinse and dry it before next use, you will save time if your wetsuit is not completely filled with sand and dirt (also saving your shower of bathtub…). This all sounds great in theory but in real life it is almost mission impossible. There are two ways to do this:
- Easy way: when taking off your wetsuit get off the sand and stand on grass, on a rock, on pavement, on the car mat… just not in the middle of the sandy beach. If it doesn’t work, wash it out in the sea after you change.
- Thinking ahead way: get yourself a wetsuit changing mat or a big flexible plastic bucket and then stand on the mat or inside the bucket when changing. Then use the mat/bucket to transport your wet wetsuit home. This works if your car is not filled up with your friends gear or you own surf trip luggage, otherwise the half closed mat and a big bucket are always in the way.
When you get the wetsuit off, don’t throw it on the floor or in the back of your car to drip all over other things. The best way to store a wet wetsuit is inside a dry bag, a 15L dry bag will comfortable fit on wetsuit and 30L dry bag will fit two.
Once the wetsuit is off, do not leave it to rot inside a bag, box wherever… all messy and sandy. Clean it and dry it. Regular care ads quite some time to the wetsuit lifespan. Here you can find a few tips on how to rinse and dry your wetsuit. Rinsing your wetsuit with fresh water will remove sand and dirt but what is even more important it will remove salt. Salt crystals are also one of the enemies of neoprene. So make sure you always rinse your wetsuit with fresh water before you start drying it!
If you use a plastic bucket to change/store your wetsuit of if you throw your wet wetsuit inside a dry bag (even better, you will need less water) you can use these two to rinse your wetsuit right away. Have a jug of water in your car and then pour it inside the dry bag. Push and pull your wetsuit a few times through the water and then take it out. It’s ready for drying.
Do not wash you wetsuit in the washing machine and dry it in a dryer! So keep you mum, wife or girlfriend away from your dirty wetsuit. Clean it yourself. OK, if you are a surf school and have a ton of wetsuits that different people use daily then from time to time it’s ok to wash them in a washing machine. You don’t expect a 600$ wetsuit when you go too surf school but if it’s clean and it doesn’t smell you feel better right away.
It is not very wise to iron your wetsuit. Duh! Just by the look of it you can assume that rubbery stuff is not the place to put your hot iron. But still, this is the standard warning in the wetsuit instructions and is there for a reason.
You should never use bleach or strong washing powder on your wetsuit. But there are some mild washing powders made especially for washing your wetsuits.
Does your wetsuit stink so much that your neighbors knock on your door to check if someone died? Did your wetsuit became your cats favorite place to look for fish? There are a few reasons for the smelliness.
Basic reason is our sweat and body oils that our skin produces. These are breeding ground for the bacteria which are in fact the thing that smells bad in a wetsuit. You can of course make your wettie extra stinky if you are lazy – you leave your wet wetsuit in a bag for a while instead of washing it right away.
The other reason for odor is your urine. Try not to pee (as much) in it, because pee also deteriorates the neoprene and leaves a funky smell. Then there is dirty and stinky water, algae etc… Fortunately there is a solution to wetsuit odor.
How To Get Rid Of Wetsuit Smell
There are special soaps for washing your wetsuit and removing the stink. One of the brands for instance is called PISS OFF (made by Rip Curl). Then recently I came across another easier way of getting rid of the smell. Once every couple weeks, throw your wetsuit in a tub of fresh warm water (not hot) with a couple of caps of dishwashing detergent. Wash it and the detergent will break down the body oils and wash away the bacteria that leads to smelliness. Rinse your wetsuit in fresh water so you get all the detergent off, then dry your wetsuit in the fresh air. Try to repeat this every few weeks (of course depending on how much you use it) and your wetsuit will be odor free.
Also – check this article dedicated to fighting the stink.
Never lend your wetsuit to your friend if he is heavier than you, your wettie will stretch and soon it will be to big for you.
What to say in the end? After all the sport is what really matters, don’t let worrying about your equipment get in the way of your enjoyment:)
PS: Also check WMS for more tips.
If you find these tips helpful please share them. Thanks!
I’ve got one more :)
14. never lend your wetsuit to your friend if he is heavier than you, your own wettie will soon be to big for you >:(
good article
I use this to hang and dry my suit – best I’ve ever found…. you can move and hang it anywhere
Which is the best way to take all the water of the wetsuit??
and how to take away the wrinkles from it??
I want to wash my suit. its a really nice 4/3 oneal. i rince it in fresh water everytime but it starting to smell. are you sure dish soap is ok for my 240$ wetsuit?
Everything in one place. Thank you very much.
There is a liquid detergent from Oneill special for wetsuits.
I have two small holes in my wet suit, will this slow me down during my swim?
I found this wetsuit hanger that works! I take care of my wetsuits and usually don’t hang them. Now with this hanger =no problem.
my overweight mate split my suit
Check out this product called Pau Pilau, It’s amazing! It is made to clean Neoprene especially, couple other things too, but its all natural which is super cool and the bacillus it is made of is what kills the bad small urine or what ever it may be making your suite smell its great! a lot of shops in cali sell it and they have a website too google it.
One of the biggest problems with trying to dry the whole family’s suits inside is the amount of water they retain which drips everywhere and they don’t all fit in the shower. Will it do any harm to put them in the washing machine spin cycle before hanging them up??? I can’t see why it would as there is no heat or detergent. Any ideas?
I actually have put my Oneill Psycho in the washing machine on gentle without soap for about seven years now, and just last week bought a new wetsuit. Didn’t seem to hurt it at all, never had a bad smell and dry time was faster from spin cycle.
Great tips!! Try this wetsuit hanger it’s the best I’ve found. It was Recomended to me buy Patagonia and O’neil. You hang your wetsuit from the waist.
My question might be strange… but what I would really like was to find a way the suit becames smaller (like it happens with some of our clothes) or at least a way it doesn’t get larger. The thing is that I’ve lost way with so mmuch surf, and now the suit is big.
I’m still nor sure if I’m happy or sad about this ahaha
Susana :)) sorry, there is no way to make a wetsuit smaller, now you have an excuse to get a new one. Be happy :).
How do you clean/disinfect a wetsuit after it has been exposed to ring worm???
Ring worm? Hm…I don’t know, that’s a fungal infection right? I wouldn’t suggest high heat because it will ruin the neoprene. Possible ordinary shampoos and detergents will get rid of it, if they work on regular clothes. I’ve also heard things like coconut or and vinegar can help. Bleach would of course also help, but it’s again not the best for neoprene.
Apple Cider Vinegar. Use a 50/50 solution with warm water. Let it soak for 15-20 minutes and allow to air dry. Best to test out a small section first to insure it is not discoloring any of the fabric or damaging the neoprene. This is also an amazingly cheap way to rid yourself of Athlete’s Foot in one treatment (same 50/50 but use as hot a water as you can stand and soak your feet for 15 minutes).
Thank you, great info, really helpful!
Ӊey guys-whatdo you think off wettsuit “Shampoo” have ѕeen it foor
some surf companies ԝewttys for tthе obvious reasons-some
peeople claim it can actaսlly damage ʏour ѡetty
or is this horse poop?
I would go with poop :)
So can I just wash it in the bathtub with just cold water and nothing else?
Lukewarm is also ok and you can use wetsuit shampoo from time to time or any other very mild shampoo.
So could I water down regular shampoo?
No, you’ll water down everything you put in water together with your wetsuit :) A mild shampoo is a baby shampoo or something. You can also use a few drops of dish washing detergent instead.
Baby shampoo is usually the most harsh you can find. It has a ph of about 9, as do your eyes. It’s extremely alkaline. It’s a myth that baby shampoo is gentle. It is only gentle on the eyes so they don’t sting, which has its value.
Damn, this always happens. Some old well known fact is not a fact at all:) So which one then?
Ok thanks
I understand not to leave a wet wetsuit in a car trunk in the hot sun. What about on a cool day (wouldn’t need a wet suit on a hot day) when the car is in a parking garage, i.e., no sun and less heat? I want to use the suit in the early morning, rinse it off inside and out, then go to work and hang it out to dry in the evening. In the car, I would loosely fold the suit in a large bucket. I can even open the back windows an inch for a _little_ ventilation.
Will mold be a problem under such conditions?
Hi Joe, thats ok. Wetsuit takes quite some time to dry, a few hours don’t make much difference.
Or JUST let Blawesome do the work for you! The Startup developed Blawesome – the wetsuit dryer – on Kickstarter which is able to deodorize and disinfect your wetsuit and therefore extend your wetsuit lifespan! They opened a contest and if you subscribe you may get yours free:
Looks good, does it plug into car?
Yes it does,
Please check the features:
Just a comment really. I’m a bit of a skinflint. I’m getting on at over 50 now and wakeboard and swim in the sea and do some coasteering (I don’t surf). I’m dreadful at looking after my wetsuits, the last ones I bought were 5 years ago in the USA in a cheap store called joblot! like TK Maxx but a lot cheaper and nastier. A brand I’d never heard of. They cost me $20 each (at the time about £14). I bought 2 a large and a x-large. I wear the x-large over the large at the same time. Both 2mm. I use them about 15 times a year in the cold waters of south Devon, mainly sept to november and i’ve done that for the last 5 years. I can genuinely say I don’t even feel the cold when i enter the water with both on. So i’m not convinced that necessarily spending £100s for a ‘good quality wetsuit’, I guess unless you are a top class athlete is worth it. I generally will swim about a mile and i find the 2 suits don’t limit my movement. When the waters are warmer I just wear the large or obviously in summer I don’t use the wetsuits at all. I’m 5’9 and weigh 11 stone 10, so no too fat. They are both still amazingly in good condition, don’t smell and I store them when not in use in a big overhaul bag in our conservatory (wife loves that as I’m sure you can imagine). My only care is when I leave Devon I hose them down with fresh water and hang them of the line to dry out and if not fully dry before we leave I dry them by hanging them out in our conservatory when I get home until they are and then back into the bag and that is it. One more point, if you swim in the cold water a neoprene cap is essential, gets rid of that head freeze. Picked one up from ebay for £10, nearly as much as the wet suits but was worth it. Have fun, i do. You can’t beat finding an isolated bit of beach in Devon, having had a good swim, wrapped in my fleeced changing poncho on a sunny day in October. – joy.
Thank for the input Jonathan. It would be interesting if you could test a top of the line wetsuit and tell if it makes a difference :)
Thank you for a useful list, however this sentence really does feel so out of date in 2017, I would suggest you just remove it as it kinda stinks (“You do not wash you wetsuit in the washing machine and dry it in a dryer!) >>>> So keep you mum, wife or girlfriend away from your dirty wetsuit.<<<<<<"
2017, the year of censorship? :)
The comment has no gender perspective as it underlines only women performing care work (washer/dryer). Thats why is outta 2017
Actually the point of the sentence is that there are way less women surfers as there are man and only surfers usually know that you are not supposed to wash your wetsuit in a washing machine.
I’ve been invited to take part in a charity gunge event in my wetsuit. I’ve taken part in them before but only in regular clothes and I know that proper gunge (the BBC stuff) really needs a spin through the washing machine to get it out of clothing. Would washing the wetsuit on a delicate wash inside a duvet case and on a very light spin cause too much damage if done as a one-off, or is there a better way to get rid of any heavy soiling?
Iain, if you wash it once it’s not a problem. Delicate cycle, no detergent and you will be fine.
“You do not wash you wetsuit in the washing machine and dry it in a dryer! So keep you mum, wife or girlfriend away from your dirty wetsuit.”
Yeah, that line is totally sexist, whether you mean it as a joke or not. Take it out.
Absolutely agree. The comment was sexist in 2017 and still is in 2020. A shame that it has not been removed yet.:(
Use a fan to decrease hang drying time.
Seriously take out this line: ‘You do not wash you wetsuit in the washing machine and dry it in a dryer! So keep you mum, wife or girlfriend away from your dirty wetsuit’.
I don’t normally leave comments online, but I couldn’t believe I was actually reading this!! I was so relieved to see at least that 2 people have picked up on it previously (even if it did take 4 years from the article being published). Unbelievably sexist and not even funny, sorry guys…
(but yeah don’t worry, I will keep my dad, boyfriend and anyone else away from my wetsuit and all my other gear for that matter)
No! :)
Wow, so that was the most sexist thing I read today … keep it away from your mum, wife or girlfriend? Well how about if you are male, clean your own clothes and wetsuit yourself!? And as a women who regularly uses her own wetsuit I resent the implication that only men are using them!! Seriously what century is the author living in? Yuck.
I get that it’s sexist but does that mean it is out of place? My wife won’t let me wash my wetsuit in the washing machine but insists she hand wash it. So now I’ll wait til she’s out of the house and put it in the machine on gentle wash and a little washing up detergent. I know washing up detergent is pretty safe because I wash up every day and night and my hands are still silky smooth!
A whole bunch of useful information but next time, please do leave mums, wives and girlfriends out of the washing section. We are in the water with everyone else, dude. 🤙
Remove this paragraph. It’s 2021. Women are wild swimming, surfing and competing in triathlons, NOT waiting at home to do with the washing!!!
‘Do not wash you wetsuit in the washing machine and dry it in a dryer! So keep you mum, wife or girlfriend away from your dirty wetsuit. Clean it yourself.’
I was blown away by the sexism there. Just come on. Been surfing, motorcycle riding, and dirt bike riding since so young. I can do more work on my machines than most guys I know. Still capable of surfing even though I’m girly. My husband and father do their own laundry thank goodness lol! Get with the times. I do notice this attitude a lot in surfing culture but not all guys are like that and I love the ones that make me feel welcome when I hit the waves….sentence needs a rephrase, dudes!
why so nasty ?
My Mum, my Wife and my Girlfriend, they all wash my wetsuits, together with theirs, because they love me.
What about a cold water tub flush and a spin dry on medium setting?
Regarding #9 I didn’t know men were the only humans that surfed and women were the only people who do laundry. Maybe a rephrase is in order there….
I’ve figured out which products to get the overall ammonia reek out of the suit but the B.O. on the underarm FABRIC portions of my suit isn’t at all affected and in fact is getting worse with each wear, to the point of unbearable. Is there something I should use SEPARATELY with the hand-wash to neutralize the B.O that is still a suit-friendly product? Vinegar maybe? Thanks.
I didn’t know you should dry your wetsuit inside out to preserve the elasticity of the outer side and that if it isn’t entirely dry when you put it on, it won’t fit properly. I’m planning to buy a custom wetsuit for when I go deep-sea diving with my boyfriend next week so this is a great tip. I’ll make sure to keep it in mind so my wetsuit can last for a long time.