#1-10: Second and 3rd Week Sardegna Surf Report

First day of the year surf was more in the “so I can say I surfed on January 1st” category. Swell was smaller than anticipated, but still we had some fun rides under the cliff of the island next to Sardinia. Then there was the last flat day of the trip. We took a stand up paddle board and paddled to Flavia mine loading dock in the cliff and spent some time on the beach. Out of the wind it was boardshorts weather! We moved a bit more north up the west coast of Sardinia the next day and in the afternoon we had an interesting session next to the Buggerru pier. I say interesting because although it wasn’t super huge, the waves were snappy. Fast steep beachbreak walls, a few guys even got tubed. Next day the swell filled in and we moved to the long sandy beach north of Buggerru for a morning and evening session. Both were fun, bt evening session was a bit better. The peak was almost empty and we shared some lefts and right way into anoter amazing winter sunset.

With the dropping swell it was time to move to our usual “small wave spot” a bit further north. Waves were breaking in the part of the beach we never surfed before. Clean fun peaks the whole morning until the wind came up in the afternoon. The next day was supposed to be a bit smaller, but not much smaller. We woke up to the usual point looking kind of “okay but could be bigger”. We didn’t loose much time and went in. When the waves should be dropping they were getting a bit bigger and even cleaner. Maybe the tide changed or something. What looked like it will be a I surfed but that’s it session turned out out to be one of the better session of the trip! This spot has it’s magic days, and this is why we keep coming back, hoping it will be the same as “that time”. A this day was the closest we got so far. The wall here is just steep enough that it makes you look like you know how to surf:).

Next day the swell arrived, but so did the wind. We surfed another beach close by, at first it was kind of ok, but with the waves coming from SW (usually the come from NW) there was a current going north. So I tried surfing the rights to go against the current but they were rare. After maybe 2 hours the wind turned from SW to NW and the change in wind direction turned the already a bit messy sea into unsurfable mayhem. We tried to catch a few more but it became virtually impossible. Before there were sizable walls almost at the top limit of what this spot can take and now it seemed like we were in a pot of water that someone is shaking violently. So after the session it was time to move again.

We went further north, to the most famous surf cape in Sardinia – Capo Mannu. After almost 3 weeks it was time for the first NW swell of the trip. Weird, because NW is the most common wind and swell direction for Sardinia. We surfed Sa Mesa for two days until our arms were noodles. It was just not perfect enough to be crowded. Which meant I had like 100 lefts and surfed my brains out. Wherever we go there are mostly lefts. I no longer care, I got used to the lefts, I even like them. So I was punching turns on the lefts for two days straight. But when the swell really kicked in and we moved to the main Capo spot, it was time for the rights haha. The only left I rode was the last exit the water wave. Before only rights, rights, rights. Fast and steep, a sick session to remember. I surfed for maybe good 3 hours and then we had lunch. It was already 3pm when I started to wonder if I have the energy for another evening session in Capo Mannu. Beer and sitting on the beach in evening sun was just too alluring and I skipped the second session. I’m kind of still sorry for that. Because the last session of the trip, another super small Sa Mesa the next day was filled with “damn, I wish I went for the second session yesterday” haha. But as the older gentleman said when we got out and he was going in: “It’s better than no surf!”. The weather was also signaling that it’s time to go home. After 3 weeks of sunny weather first really rainy day. We still stopped at terme libere in middle of Sardinia for some 38C water soaking in the rain. What an magical and peaceful experience.

Grazie Sardegna, till next time.

Sant’Antioco: 1.1.2025
Buggerru: 3., 4.1.2025
Piscinas 5., 6., 7.1.2025
Sa Mesa 8., 9.1.2025
Mini Capo 10.1.2025
Sa Mesa 11.1.2025

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