#22-23: Grand Finale I.

I am writing this almost 2 months after the session so I can title it properly. The end of March and beginning of April were the grand finale of the super cool winter season. Winter season that kicked in after New Year, which in unusual. Usually January through March the weather is cold and stable with only rare south wind. And even when there is a south swell, it’s usually small. This year it was one big south swell after another. And then the grand finale. First day it was okayish until the wind dropped. As soon as the wind calmed down the waves got better and we had a really nice session (5.4 with wind and 7.3/10 without wind).

Second day of the trip was one of the sickest surf days on this spot ever. There was no wind on the spot for like 6 hours straight. Only big lines coming from the south. This is really really rare here, maybe it happened 2-3 times sicer we started surfing here. The spot is good even with strong wind (depends on the direction) but, but, but without wind :o. It is like an upgraded version of the wave. Spot 2.0. The walls are smooth and even, no sections breaking in front of you, the wall is steeper, waves longer, no flat sections… I can not remember the last time a rated a session with 9+ out of 10. Sick! (9.1/10)

The island, 26.-27.3.2024

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