If I had all the time in the world and could chase every wave that our little sea had to offer since New Year’s Eve I would have clocked in over 20 surf days in the first month and a half of the 2014. That’s almost surfing every other day. It might not seem like a big deal for someone living by the ocean, but usual year over here (all 365 days of it) sees on average 20-30 surf days. There are downsides to this weather – floods, ice storms, weather records being broken like highest average temperature and most snowfall, there are reasons for it, and then there are smiles on our faces :).
GoPro movie screenshots suck when it comes to quality but they do capture some interesting moments. Here’s duckdiving on surf day no12.The island of left pointbreaks also made this season special.So did a lone unexpected sunny session.Storm surfing, south winds, clouds, rain, bad weather..they go hand in hand. What does not hold hands with them is the sun. So this rare bluebird sky session was a real gift from above:).And then back to the usual windy, gloomy, dark, and depressing conditions.Trademark plant (R) for ‘Albania’ surf spot.One other thing I’ve noticed…after years of more and more crowded surf I’ve recently had 2 alone sessions, and 2 sessions with just one friend out. Enjoying the sun with my brah Dejc.All those moments will be lost in time, like teardrops in the rain. Except this one…Sunny and windy beats cloudy and windy.When it’s windy you have to be picky, but there were some hidden gems.The charts now seem quiet and pale. No code reds..although I see something orange…Eject and goodbye.