Active vacations in nature are more and more popular. They help you to relax and disconnect from everyday life. A good start is a camping trip that can be loads of fun especially if you are with a larger group. But camping is just a start. When you are there you will want to do something, be active. A few ideas that we talk about further down are bike riding, archery, hiking, fishing, and other water-related activities. They all should be in your bucket list. Participating in these activities makes camping way more interesting, especially if you do this for the first time. Read more to find out what you can expect from each of these activities.
Bike riding

Engaging in bike riding has quite a several benefits to the body. Being a form of exercise makes your legs stronger and helps burn calories. It is also easy on the knees. Biking is also a great way to see the surroundings. Bike trips to epic view points, natural wonders, river sides etc… are way more rewarding than driving there with your car. You can also turn your bike ride into a timed race and see who is best. Then again, if you are already out in the nature you might want to try mountain biking.
Mountain biking takes you off the roads and onto single trails and even deeper in nature. If you have never done it then check this beginner guide.
Setting up archery with the right bows and arrows can be interesting. Playing this game enhances concentration. Ensuring that you hit the bull’s eye to reach your target makes you adopt high attention skills. Those people who have experience in archery can tell you that it requires the ability to combine both your hands and eyesight to hit the target. Archery is always fun to engage in, especially if you have a particular score for every ring. Archery is best played in the morning to avoid the wind from interfering with the arrows’ shooting.
This is the most common activity that people engage in when camping. You can choose to go for mountain hiking or just hiking around your area, lake, river etc… It is still necessary for the team to go out for hiking to have permission from the authorities (like national park management and rangers), especially if you will contact a forest or any bushy area. They will warn you of any hazardous animals and any other things you might be careful about in the environment. Camping and hiking also requires special gear. You know what they say, there is no bad weather, just wrong gear. If you need some high quality camping protective gear check out for instance outdoor gear from Australia wide 4WD.
Most camping spots have water bodies around them. If you bring fishing gear, you can spread out and try to fish. If it is your first time I suggest you find a guide or at least read a few things about fishing online. If you are lucky you can have an evening fish BBQ in your camp. And if you are not you will still spend a nice day in nature. Usually for fishing you will also need a fishing permit.
Depending on the season you might be allowed to hunt for birds and small animals. Going out to hunt as a team requires precautions and someone who is an experienced hunter. Proper camouflage clothing should be used so you don’t scare away the animals that you are hunting. You also need to know hot to handle hunting rifles. An experienced hunter will make sure that your hunting trip is safe. He will also know how animals act, what they eat, at what time they are active, where do they usually move etc… Same as with fishing you will usually need a hunting permit.
Swimming and other water-related activities

Engaging in swimming, skiing, boat racing can be fun, right? This is mostly done in the afternoon with the warm sun. There is not much to explain when is comes to water activities. It is smart to ask around if there are any dangers where you want to go into the water such as currents or dangerous animals. Otherwise you just need the right gear for the type of water activity you want to do and that’s it. An example of this is outdoor gear from Australia wide 4WD.