We continue with a more detailed look at this years BrandNew Award winners. The DuPont Hardware Winter Award winner has developed a perfect training tool for every snowboarder or wakeboarder that learns his tricks on a trampoline. Why is it better to use a Trampboard instead of an ordinary snow or wake board? Read on.

To a snowboarder or a wakeboarder, a trampoline is a way to learn new tricks and push his limits without getting hurt. Trying new things for the first time, discovering what’s possible. Usually snowboarders just use their old boards, tape the edges with duck tape and go for it. But a snowboard or a wakeboard were not designed for a trampoline. Now there is a new board on the market with a specific job to do. To serve as a safe and efficient training tool on a trampoline. The American company Guru has come up with Trampboard. Trampboard is the name of the snowboard or wakeboard dummy specifically designed for trampolines. It’s designed from durable and flexible urethane and has authentic snowboard bindings. So what are the advantages of a trampboard? First take a look at the picture above. Trampboard uses a patent pending N3 Core to deflect the trampoline mat naturally.
Trampboard N3 Core
The N3 Core is a p urethane/air mixture hat allows the board to deflect the trampoline mat naturally. The N3 Core then quickly releases this stored energy to return the Trampboard to its original shape for maximum lift. So Trampboard accentually pushes you up together with the trampoline. Each GURU Trampboardtm model has its own unique mixture or its own flex needs. With Patent pending V-Cut grooves, the Trampboardtm flexes in a controlled radius. This allows the trampoline mat to deflect into the ideal shape for maximum spring load. Working together, the N3 Core and V-Cut give the rider a controlled and even take off.
Guru Trampboard bindings
This is not the end. Guru Trampboard comes equipped with Trampboard bindings that are designed to be worn with a skate/surf sneaker so there is no need for heavy snowboard boots.
- The bindings are made of a nylon composite blend that allows for the riders energy to be transferred to the board.
- The binding’s design allows for the rider to have maximum forward flex while holding the foot firmly down against the board.
- Adjustable padded straps allow for easy entry for a wide range on shoe size.
- The rider can easily adjust for that “custom fit” feel needed for that added confidence that comes with learning new tricks.
More: gurutrampboards.com
Trampboard snowboard models
Trampboard pictures by Guru Trampboard
We used to train on a trampoline a few years back in an old school gym. We mad the trampboard ourselves from a piece of wood ;D then again, I pretty much suck at tricks so :D
why buy one though when you can make one?
well yeah good site but how do u by them and where are your stores