There is another innovative way to store your surfboards. We mean another way besides leaning them against the wall in you bedroom. If you are short on space you should check out the z-RAX Board Racking System. Things so simple should not be called a system :) but it looks nice and it sure does not take much space.
The brain behind z-RAX comes straight from Australia and is named Tim Mitchell. What is great about the z-REX is how simple it is. Simple is beautiful. Light weight, a few ropes here and there, you only need to put one screw in the wall or in your ceiling and you are set. The thing can hold up to four boards and it doesn’t care if you board has a long or snow in front of it. Hell, they say it can even hold kayaks? See for yourself:

You can have your surfboards neatly placed along the wall to take as little space as possible (see pic) or you can put them sideways and go for that more traditional look. Now if you are from Australia, you can bring it home for 20$, it’s a bit more pricey in the UK, I’m not quite sure if you can get it in the US.
Huh, this looks like a great idea. Is it available in US?
It’s so simple it just might work LOL
nice idea, myb you can order online…