I think we just hit a new high score on this arcade game of surfing in the Adriatic sea. At least for this spot, this was almost as good as it can get. We had a couple of clean days here, but they are extremely extremely rare. Much rarer than on other Adriatic spots. And they are rare even on the other ones. But even the ones we had here, non of them were as big, as clean and as “surf spot” vibes as this Sunday.
When the south wind was replaces with easterlies, we didn’t quite know what to expect. It would not be very surprising if strong east wind would turn the spot to shit. Also with numerous islands around you never really know from which direction the wind would come when it turns. But this Sunday at around 9am south wind turned east and spot became clean and protected, with only slight side offshore.
Lines were still growing all the way until around noon. And the sickest and most unexpected effect E wind, apart from big clean walls – there was NO current. I paddled back after each wave, I maybe made 2 or 3 treks on foot up the point in 5 hours of surfing, everything else I paddled. Almost every wave was sick and after 6 or 7 turns, when usually you would already be somewhere in the graveyard area you were only next to the tree :o. Lack of current made the wave move slower down the point and gave us way more time to surf it. Around 13h E wind got stronger and around 14h it became too strong and waves turned to shit. But those sick 4-5 hours from morning to noon, I will remember them for a long time.
Island 9.2/10, 8.12.2024