Quiksilver Foundation Prostate Cancer Fundraiser
Kelly Slater mustache will not be a beard of shame after loosing this years title, which he can “easily” win back next year if he chooses to keep competing. The mustache growing story goes something like this: This is one of the funniest pieces of “corporate (kind of) information” we came across. The Quiksilver Foundation will stop shaving. In November, Bob McKnight, Kelly Slater and over 100 Quiksilver employees will put down their razors and grow out their mustache. Why? To support the Movember – raising awareness and money for the fight against Prostate Cancer.

So who will be seen walking around with mustache? Kelly Slater, Dane Reynolds, Travis Rice, Tom Carroll, Reese Forbes, Jeff House, Strider Wasilewski, Tom Carroll, and Greg Macias & Randy Hild from Quiksilver management. At the end of the month proceeds from the individual “mo” sponsorships will be donated to the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
So, the real question is – can we expect some graphic material proof of various Quiksilver surfers sporting a thick salty mustache? There are 108 candidates in the Mo Bros team :) so we hope so. More about Movember.
LOL, I go for number 2 ;D
Great, more kooks in the water.
:D :D :D hey daisy, where were you?
Number 4 :)
:-* number 2
:D :D :D :D