The demands of today’s adventurers are high, the world has become accessible and only imagination is your limit. What no one wants is for their gear and equipment to hold them back. High on the list of every serious traveler and adventure seeker is a heavy-duty backpack that lets you carry around your stuff with ease, while also providing adequate protection from the elements. Obviously, for some people a 100% waterproof travel backpack will be the only thing that can meet their demands. Remember, we’re saying waterproof and not water repellent. Most people fail to notice this difference until their bag hits a pool of water and they’re left with a wet kit.
If you’re in the market for something that can withstand even the heaviest of rains or if you just want to be at peace and ready if the unexpected happens, here are a few things you should keep in mind if you want to buy the best waterproof backpack for travel.

The material and the built quality of a waterproof travel backpack
The first thing that comes in contact with water if you drop your bag in a lake or a river is its fabric. If the fabric absorbs water, nothing can stop water from entering your bag. Generally, fabrics made from nylon or polyester are ideal for stopping absorption and keeping things neat and dry inside. But for those 100% waterproof bags only fabric that is laminated and has absolutely no holes is acceptable.
Similarly, if the backpack is sewn and not welded, there will be tiny holes where the stitches go through that let the water in. Whenever you’re choosing a waterproof travel backpack, make sure that the backpack is not sewn. It should have high frequency welded seams that provide the important waterproof seal where two parts of the bag come together.
Now comes the built quality – a waterproof backpack should also be sturdy enough to take a few hits. If it’s not, your backpack may keep your things dry onyl if you are really gentle. If the fabric can be torn easily it won’t last very long. Always choose a material that has both waterproofing and strength. That way, no matter if you get stuck in a torrential rainstorm or go hiking, kayaking, surfing or rafting – your things will be dry and ready to use whenever you need them.

Submerging capability
The best waterproof backpack for travel should be 100% waterproof to start with. That guarantee comes from all the materials that are used to make the backpack. Right from the top layer of nylon or polyester, to the zippers and even the foam – everything has to come together to ensure that water doesn’t reach inside. Talking about the top layer – here the pores of the material should be smaller than the size of water molecules themselves so that they cannot enter. Even better, as we have mentioned it above already – the best material is the one that has no holes whatsoever. Similarly, the zippers should be watertight and the foam used to make the backpack should not absorb water.
When you’re buying a backpack like that make sure there are no holes that let water in. Today lots of things are labeled as waterproof when in fact they are really not. So look for waterproof fabric, welded seams and waterproof zippers or even better fold down closing system. A combination of all of the above virtually guarantees that water won’t seep in even if your backpack hits the river on its own. As a matter of fact, a 100% waterproof backpack would float, rather than sink, if it is thrown in the water. Next time when you’re buying a waterproof backpack, make sure you test it.

Btw, the travel backpack in the photo is the DryTide 50l waterproof backpack and it would be our top choice for a waterproof travel backpack!
Interior space
Although there is no shortage of bags out there that claim to be 100% waterproof, the fact is that most of these bags are too small for you to carry around much. These bags are designed to protect either your camera or some other smaller items in the adventure kit. One option is to buy multiple waterproof bags to protect a couple of items each and store all of them in a bag that isn’t waterproof. But of course, getting a bigger backpack is way better idea.
When you’re selecting a waterproof backpack, make sure that it offers you the convenience of space too. As a rule of thumb, the best waterproof backpack for travel should come with more than 40 liters of storage space. This way you can store your camera, your clothes and your other essentials in it, protecting everything from water damage (btw, they will also protect your things from sand which can be sometimes even worse when it comes to electronic equipment).
On top of it, the best waterproof backpack for travel should also include some separate compartments. Pockets where you can store your documents like your passport or your digital devices.

As a traveler you will probably also ask – can a 40+ liter waterproof travel backpack be taken on the airplane as a carry on luggage or do you have to check it in? Allowed carry on dimensions vary from air company to air company but usually backpacks like that are not rigid and when empty don’t take a lot of space. This means that the possibility to use them as a carry on bag is up to you – just how much things you will put inside. If you want to use this kind of bag as a carry on do not fill it to the limit and you will be fine. It is actually a nice plus for these backpacks that they are not rigid in shape and don’t take lots of space when they are empty.
Comfort and convenience
After all, it’s a waterproof travel backpack that you’re choosing – it should offer you adequate space, additional compartments, and waterproof qualities. On top of all this, the bag should be comfortable for you to wear for long hours. That means that the best waterproof backpacks for travel come with features like hip belt, comfortable shoulder straps and padded back with foam that doesn’t absorb water. Everything that you would find in a regular backpack.
For additional convenience it should also include outside pockets like mesh pockets for you to carry your water bottles, side straps for carrying other essentials like rope, photo tripod or extra clothes. It should also have a handle to allow you to carry it in your hand.
If your adventures take you places that require lots of walking, hiking… it’s essential that your backpack offers adequate ventilation to prevent a sweaty back. There are several construction techniques which manufacturers of waterproof backpacks employ to create ventilation chimneys without compromising the backpacks waterproof credentials. The truth is that no matter what, if you will be hiking with a heavy backpack in some hot and humid weather you will get sweaty. But the difference between a backpack without a padded back with just waterproof material against your back is huge.
And finally, it is also the looks. Waterproof travel backpacks are in a way technical equipment where design follows function. Not letting the water in is the number one priority that demands some sacrifices when it comes to design. However, there are still differences and some backpacks just look better than others.

Bottom Line
When you’re in the market for purchasing a 100% waterproof backpack for travel, here are a few things you should keep in mind:
- Look for bags that offer ultrasonic welding and stay away from bags that are stitched together.
- Water repellent and waterproof are two different things. If you want something that just protects your belongings from light rain or a splash of water you can go for the former. However, if you’re a true adventure seeker and want something that’s as aggressive as you are when it comes to battling the elements, go for the latter.
- Go for a bag that offers you at least 40 liters of interior space. After all, having multiple bags will just ruin your experience.
- While checking a bag on the above-mentioned checklist, don’t forget to check for comfort too. Go for the best waterproof backpack for travel that you can comfortably carry for long hours.
Following these tips you will get a backpack that can be used in all weather conditions, offering you comfort, convenience, and safety.
Good luck on your travels!