Top 12 Healthy Sports Habits for Lazy College Students

University is probably the most important stage in a person’s life: it is the time to grow, mature and, above all, learn. It is also demanding because we must squeeze all the potential from the day in order to achieve our goals.

Long hours of study, endless jobs, important exams … It is impossible to face all these challenges if we do not start by working on the best version of ourselves, to begin with. The first step is to make some useful healthy habits even if you think you are too lazy for that. Luckily, today, things are much easier since you have a lot of health apps at your disposal that will be of a great help.

In today’s article, you will learn about well-being and healthy eating habits for lazy college students.


As you get older, you probably start to realize that your mother and grandmother were always right. And when they said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it was so true. Do not skip breakfast and have it every day before school because it is essential to activate the metabolism. Believe it or not, breakfast reduces tiredness, stress, and anxiety. Even if you are a lazy person, cooking yourself some breakfast is not a big deal. As an option, you can get cereal and pour some milk into the bowl with them, as the nutrition consultant suggests.


With only one piece of fruit a day, you will be spared common viruses and diseases. A piece of fruit will provide you with all the necessary nutrients to be active and energetic throughout the day and in the result making you less lazy. If you want everything to be very fresh try buying seasonal fruits and even choosing the most exotic ones you find in your local supermarket.


This will help to prevent the degradation of your brain and fill it with new words and expressions. You will learn how to articulate your thoughts better, acquire the ability to make balanced, correct decisions, and win credibility among friends and acquaintances.


The benefits of drinking water are numerous according to the school of nutrition. There is a great debate about the amount of water we should drink per day. But here is the most commonly accepted answer: you should drink between a liter and a liter and a half based on your body weight, health and amount of physical activity. The fruits or vegetables in your diet contain a lot of water so they will also add another half liter of water. Your vitality, energy, and well-being begin with about 7 glasses of water per day.


Waiting until the last minute is often accompanied by sleepless nights trying to cram the brain with information in a few hours or writing a 25-page essay at the speed of light instead of hiring at Edubirdie. Although all of us at some point fall into this behavior, it is still harmful to your physical and mental well-being as well as to the quality of your work.

In addition to having to rely on junk food and caffeine to keep us awake, it is almost inevitable that you will make a number of mistakes or that you will not be able to retain the information acquired. And there is always the risk that you will not be able to stay awake and the next day you’ll wake up with the project half done.


Coffee and energy drinks are perfect allies for long nights of study or for a good shot of adrenaline when we are a little tired or simply lazing around. Even so, you should moderate your consumption of these, which is something you already know if you are a bachelor of nutrition. You may think that by drinking caffeine you will be more concentrated and productive, but most often than not, it is not going to happen. In addition, coffee gives an extra energy that does not last long.


Try running, dancing, do yoga … There are a thousand activities to do and stay in shape, which do not require many efforts. If you do sports regularly, you will have a better sleep and you will get out of bed every day with the energy necessary to face everything that comes your way. If you have some sports facilities nearby, you have no excuse not to exercise! You can even buy a set of weights and a curl bar and do some weightlifting in your room (check for instance these curl bar exercises to get you started).  It is even better to find a sport activity that you will fall in love with. Sports like surfing, mountain biking…have the tendency to get people a little addicted to them. This way doing sports will not feel like a chore but something you will look forward to.


This habit will maintain blood glucose levels, and consequently, energy and productivity levels. Conversely, if you eat infrequently, your blood sugar level will drop, and when you finally have a meal on your plate, you will surely eat too much.


Meat is generally high in fat and protein. Therefore, you might have difficulty digesting other foods, which can hinder productivity. And there is evidence! A scientific research published in Scientific American showed that humans, perhaps, do not have to digest meat and that we adapt better to vegetarian diets.


While choosing this type of food can save you a lot of time and money, the consequences on your body and mind are not positive at all. It has been scientifically proven that the intake of junk food is directly associated with poor grades, which is not a good thing if you want to get an online graduate nutrition.


Daily, we consume about 9.5 grams of salt, but the government recommends we reduce this figure to 6 grams. The fact is that excess salt can raise blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease even if you are a young college student.


Depression is a disease that drastically reduces productivity. It is detrimental not only to the depressed person but also to the people all around. To date, few people realize the seriousness of this disease. However, often this illness takes a long, very difficult nature, which can lead to the most negative consequences.

In order not to get depressed, you should distract yourself by reading books, watching movies, communicating with group-mates over a cup of coffee, and walking in the fresh air. If you are lazy, overcome it by keeping a diary of things that you need to do throughout the day.

And do not forget about these simple tips:

  • Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Get enough rest.

Do not wait until tomorrow to start a new life!

Author: Sandra Hayward

Sandra shows aspiring college students simple and intuitive ways for improving their health habits. She also writes a lot about proper nutrition and eating habits at EduBirdie.

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