#27: When Surf Looks Better Than It Is
byAnother afterwork quicky for which we were really thankful that we did not waste more time off work. Because it was pretty shitty….
Another afterwork quicky for which we were really thankful that we did not waste more time off work. Because it was pretty shitty….
We squeezed one after work, now when the day is longer you can stay in the water till 20h. Nothing special surf wise, a…
Friday was pretty good with solid lines coming from the south and only light winds, a really nice session. Saturday began with 6am dawn…
Island sessions always last for hours, 6 hours this Sunday:). We barely made it home, and when I finally made it bed I was…
I always wanted to surf in snow. After a few really cold sessions that thanks to my new wetsuit were not that bad at…
Two days of norther winds on the 20km spot, Saturday was bearable and the waves were pretty good, Sunday the temperature dropped well below…
My 18th day of surfing in 2018 fell on the 18th day of February. Lots of 18:). When we first surfed this spot we…
Two months ago we said this is not a place to surf in winter. Two months later with a flood of snow photos from…
There is this spot, where if you are really generous with your google maps measure tool, you can get about 20km of fetch before…
If it’s summer, warm water, boardshorts and sunny, everything in Adriatic sea above waist high is considered to be borderline epic. NOA, 28.6.2017 Gozdick,…
Coming home from a surf trip I’m always excited for the first session to cash in on the paddling stamina. Forecast didn’t look promising…
When I get home from a surf trip I’m always anxious to cash in my I’ve-surfed-every-day stamina at our local spot. Usually it takes 2-3…
The Island & The Slab, 5.-6.3.2016
North of Albania & The Island 27.-29.2.2016