SurfingJanuary 5, 2018<October 23, 2019 Neoprene Allergy: What if You Are a Surfer and Can Not Wear a Wetsuit? by Mow Every surfer needs a wetsuit. It would be pretty sad if the thrill that comes with surfing could only be experienced in those few…
WetsuitsFebruary 13, 2013<October 21, 2019 Your Next Wetsuits Could Be Made Out Of Limestone by Mow Some companies have recently started to use a new kind of neoprene when manufacturing their wetsuits. This new material is rather than being made out…
Board Blog: Windswell Surf Chasing in the Mediterranean SeaNovember 30, 2011<November 30, 2011 Patagonia Says Don’t Buy Our Stuff by Mow Well not literally. But in the middle of the Black Friday craziness Patagonia came out with a full-page ad in the New York Times…