Easter Monday surf had a long and fun intro. On Saturday we were hit with almost summer like temperatures and lying in the sun you felt like jumping into the sea every 20 minutes. Unfortunately the sea temperature refused to cooperate as it was still at a ball shrinking bone aching 14C. So a quick in and out was all we managed. Sunday it was mountain biking time. We did a Krk island circle, a combo of I think the funnest trails the island has to offer (for Krk and Lošinj MTB trails guide check this article). We had some bike troubles (me off course, my last wheel is all loose and it’s not because the axle wouldnt be tightened enough) and we had some flat tires (again me off course, a huge snake bite on my front wheel) and we had pizza (not just me, everybody haha).

Monday it was surf time. We switched islands and arrived at the spot around noon. The waves were as usual fashionably late so the next 3 hours we have spent again lying in the sun. Around 3pm it was go time. We surfed for a good 4 hours one of the funnest session on this spot. The wind was so light, almost non existent and walls were noticeably steeper than usual.
The island, 22.4.2019