Board Blog: Windswell Surf Chasing in the Mediterranean Sea

#94-95: Back to Reality


Damn. Coming home from perfect surf I’m always hyped for that first home surf session. There is stamina in the shoulders, surfing muscle memory…

#77: Escaping the rain


It was a cold December November damn, it’s only October and it’s already cold as fuck. You know, not low temperatures cold, quite a…

#76: Glassy day


This is a story of how a shitty rock grinding surf session that was forecast up until two days ago jumped up in size in the…

#74-75: Surfing in Tuscany


Surfing in Tuscany never disappoints. The waves, the loud locals, the purple haze sunsets, the xtra long it only works for 2 days sessions,…

#73: The Storm


The surf next morning did not quite deliver, yes it was sunny, glassy, even offshore…but really small. But I would have made the trip just…

#71-72: Surfing in Bulgaria


I don’t really get the burek, chevapi, Balkan obsession of some people and maybe this is why I’ve never made it past Zagreb into…