Board Blog: Windswell Surf Chasing in the Mediterranean Sea
#43-45: Why I Love Italy Vol.II
byThe forecast was a bit so so. Too much wind and too much storm movement too close to the coast. I’m not sure about the…
#41-42: Why I Love Italy
byBecause. There was this moment… you know how lineups are usually quiet, surfers minding their own business… there was this moment sitting in the…
#39-40: Midnight BBQ
byWaves were small but Saturday was clear blue skies and warm weather so after the session we had our first BBQ under the stars…
#38: Flashlight Night Surfing
byWhen I get home from a surf trip I’m always anxious to cash in my I’ve-surfed-every-day stamina at our local spot. Usually it takes 2-3…
#21-37: A Tourist Guide to Fuerteventura
byI’ve surfed every day while I was on Fuerteventura. 17 days altogether. And I have one surfing photo from the trip. And it’s from…
#19-20: Broken Bones & Dead Surfboards
byThe Island & The Slab, 5.-6.3.2016
#16-18: It DOES Get Sunny Sometimes
byNorth of Albania & The Island 27.-29.2.2016
#14-15: 13 Hours of Surf Sessions and Sleeping in Toscana in Style
byThere is this peak in Toscana, Italy that on a good day turns into a perfect a-frame with smashable walls that make you think…
#11-13: 3 Day Surf Trip and 5 Things I Hate About Living in a Car
byAs soon as you go for your first surf session all your things explode all over the car and can never be contained back…
#10: The Surgical Strike in a Pond and Missing Fish in a Barrel
byThere is a surf spot in a landlocked sea that has 100km of fetch. The forecast promises gale force winds from S, SW, W,…
#8-9: The Island
byIt was time to hit the islands. Forecast looked promising for a change after a really long flat spell. So the first glimpse of…
#7: Oh well…
byAnother small “training” day. The good forecast is always as a mirage at the end of next week. It’s always next week, it’s always…
#5-6: The “I Need New Winter Gloves” Sessions
byNot that long ago we did not surf the north wind swells. Then we said it’s only for the summer and autumn, while it’s…