Board Blog: Windswell Surf Chasing in the Mediterranean Sea

#19: The OLED UHD Colors Spot


Summer is when you can mostly count on an odd northern wind session. It’s never big or really epic, but the water temperatures are…

#15-18: 5 Star Sessions


The surf season was not the best. Meaning, not the most consistent. We all still think about that November a few years ago when…

#6-9: Bora Days


If you would have time, will power, enough dry winter wetsuits or wim hof mentality you could surf 7-10 consecutive days here in the…

#40: Cold Again


I got lazy with keeping record of my surfing days so I have to write this more than 2 months after this surf and…

#39: Cold


counting 2022It was snowing at the top of the mountain pass, it was the first session when I was sorry I didn’t bring my…

#27-28: Weekend


Friends with vans make a weekend out of the south wind Sunday. We hit the road on Friday and parked next to the sea…