Travelling doesn’t just mean simply visiting and seeing tourist spots. The more important thing is to create memories of your experiences, the place’s culture, and the people you meet by capturing photos. Traveling without taking some photographs is inconceivable for most people. Today, it’s very convenient to take out your phone and snap a photo. Travel photography can offer you many things, but you won’t really appreciate them if you don’t learn how to take good traveling photos. Here are some reasons why you should learn how to take good pictures when you’re traveling.

Keep Precious Memories
When traveling, leaving a place also means leaving a part of your heart behind. Memories of travels are usually among the most precious memories we have. One of the best and most obvious ways to keep these precious memories of your travels is by taking photos. We all forget things as they move further back in time. By going through your old travel photos you can re-live the happy moments you had.
However, there is a difference between an average and a good travel photo. The difference between boring your friends and family to death with hundreds of average photos from your trip vs. them asking you to show them more. You will go over good photos again and again while bad ones you will look at once and probably forget about them. This is why everyone should learn at least the basics of good travel photography, including techniques like photo size increase to enhance the impact of their pictures.
If you’re not familiar how to work a camera yet, take online courses to learn travel photography. Learning how to take good travel photos pays back every time you look at your old travel photos. It allows you too capture images of beautiful moments in the most surreal places in a way that does them justice. In a way that captures how you actually experienced these beautiful places. Everyone can work a camera, but not everyone can make beautiful travel photos.
For your photos to really stand out you need lots of practice, photography knowledge and you have to be a bit of an artist. Not everyone can do it. But everyone can upgrade their travel photography knowledge and bring their photos to the next level, you don’t have to be a pro to take good photos.
A few tips from me for better travel photos:
- go to beautiful places, it’s much easier to take good looking photos there :)
- light, look for interesting light, sunrise, sunset are your friends
- less is more, leave only what matters in a photo
- use rule of thirds
Bring People Closer To The Places You’ve Traveled
Another reason why you should take good travel photos is to let other people feel that they’ve also had a glimpse of the beautiful places from your travels. For instance, your grandparents may not be fit for travel anymore. If some of them are ill or too weak, then travel photography can be the instrument to transport them to the places you’ve been to. In addition, you can also share this to children to show them the world. Your travel photos can be preserved for future generations in your family.

Make Art From Your Travel Photos
Travel photography can also be a form of art. There are many photographers who put up their own collection of travel photos as art in a showroom. If you have an eye for things that people normally overlook, then perhaps you can consider learning travel photography. Taking generic photos won’t land you a spot in a showroom. Learning travel photography gives you an edge if you want to make art out of it.
Can Be An Additional Source Of Income
Aside from keeping precious memories and making art from travel photography, you might also want to consider making a bit of cash on the side out of your travel photos. There are many people who buy beautiful photos and hang them up in their homes. They can be your target market if you want to earn money from travel photography.
Moreover, if you want to aim for something easier, you can also sell your travel photos as stock photos. Stock photos are professional photos of nature, places, and other landmarks that are bought and sold on a royalty-free basis for commercial design. You can consider this option especially since stock photography is a good income stream.
Helps You Set Up A Creative Channel
Another reason why you should take good photos is to use them to set up a creative channel. It’s not easy to take a good photo. Mastering travel photography takes time. Taking that camera to snap some pictures will enable you to foster creativity. You can then collect and combine your photos into an online album or scrapbook. This little project can bring you joy while carefully curating your own collection of travel photos.
Helps You Gain Followers
Good travel photos can impress and inspire your social media followers. If you aim to be an influencer, taking good photos is a must! But even if you’re not into social media influencing, posting good quality pictures will get much more response from your followers. Likes, comments, questions… people love interesting shots from nice locations.
Personalized Travel Souvenir
Instead of buying commercial travel souvenirs from your travels, make yours a bit more personalized by taking good photos of the places you’re traveling to. Your personalized travel photo souvenirs are considered DIY souvenirs which could be better by miles compared to buying postcards from the gift shop. While you can always opt to buy commercial travel souvenirs, a personalized one has that extra something that makes it special. Print out your best shots and send them to your friends as postcards or put them on the wall at home.
Boosts Self-Confidence And Sense Of Accomplishment
Learning travel photography doesn’t just let you share travel moments with others or provide you material gains. It also boosts your self-confidence. We all like to hear: “Wow, that’s a really great photo!”. Looking at your travel photos also serves as a mood-booster when you’re feeling sad and blue.
So grab a camera next time you go on a trip and take some photos. Take some photography classes and improve your photos. You will be happy you did.