Summer is almost here and temperatures are finally high enough that you can comfortably sit outside in the evening without wearing everything you own. What does that mean? It’s sea kayaking and camping trip time. The trip started with a ferry to another island and continued with a drive to the beach where we wanted to start our trip. But for some reason this part of the coast is really hard to get to. All the roads are super narrow and all the property owners here are very protective of their land. This means lots of fences, private do not pass signs, closed roads, chains…etc. This might be usual in some countries but here on the Adriatic it’s kind of weird. Anyway, after a long drive up and down dirt roads we made it to a secluded bay and loaded our kayaks.

After a few kilometers of paddling we passed the last house on the beach. Even this one had “Robinson accommodation” sign on it. Meaning there is no electricity and no water around here. And you need a 4×4 to get here. From here on the coast was just wilderness. We were paddling under the highest mountain on the island which drops quickly towards the sea. There is no room for roads, towns… so this part of the coast is completely wild.

After some successful fishing on the way, we made it to the beach. It was early afternoon and the sun was super hot. So I built a shelter out of the driftwood and a canvas that we bring for this purpose. Looked pretty sick. This is us in the photo. What followed was two days of beach life. In the evening it was time to set up the tent and start a fire. It was also a chance to test the new portable LED light/reflector that we got.

The light is very bright and it illuminates quite a big area so you can see where all your gear is, you can set up your tent, pack your things for the night so they don’t get wet during the night, prepare the fish for bbq, start a fire etc… The light is battery powered and rechargeable and it lasts a really long time. We had it on for like 2-3hours, it was not fully charged when we started and it showed no signs of stopping (you can get it here).
Next day it was time to do some snorkeling, first one this year. Water was just warm enough so we could do some underwater exploring.

In the afternoon when we had to go back the wind picked up. It has to be some Murphy’s law that when you are sea kayaking the wind is almost always in your face, never in your back. So it was a nice workout to get back to the beach where we started. The hidden beach was however completely sheltered from the wind and after 2h of fighting the head on winds it was super cool to paddle into this calm and glassy bay and just enjoy the sea.