How To Snowboard

Did you know that a few years ago snowboarding was the second fastest growing sport in United states behind synchronized swimming? Huh…not really. It was the fastest growing sport in US period and it is still getting bigger. That means lots of beginners. Lots of beginners coming to this site looking for advice on snowboarding equipment, advice on how to snowboard, how to do snowboard tricks etc. So we decided to write a short how to snowboard guide to get you guys started.

At the beginning we wanted to do a comprehensive snowboard guide but it quickly became clear to us that this is not a really good idea, since this is the time we would rather spend riding, raising a family, travel the world, finish college and well…you got the picture :)

A few how to snowboard tips for beginners that will get you through your first days on a snowboard

These are tips that we can give to anyone who is just starting or thinking about starting… this will save you a few problems and put you in the right direction:

1. Choose the right snowboard

A softer and shorter snowboard will be much easier to handle when you are starting out. What is a shorter snowboard? Generally a snowboard should reach up to your chin if you stand it against you. Take away an inch or two if you are a beginner (and add an inch or two if you are a powder monkey :) ). What is a softer snowboard? Freestyle snowboards are generally softer that freeride. You just have to try a soft one and a hard one to see the difference. Or you can try to bend it with your hands. Make sure you are comparing the best freeride snowboard with the best freestyle snowboards so you are getting an accurate picture of each.

Should you buy or rent? We would say rent just to make sure you really try how to snowboard and see if you like it (duh, sure you will). Otherwise a better, newer snowboard is easier to ride. Its lighter, handles better etc… a crappy old snowboard from your friend that is “still good for a beginner” can be a pain in the ass :)!

You’ll also want to make sure you have a well-fitting jacket to keep the snow out and fitting snowboard boots. If you are lucky enough to own a snow mobile that will take you to the top of your beginner slope then good snow mobile boots also come in handy.

2. Choose the right time

When you are learning how to snowboard the conditions should be something like this: enough snow, no crowds, no ice, sun…reads like a perfect day. Hell, conditions should be like that every day you ride! :) At least stay away from the icy crowded slopes. Ice hurts when you fall and the edges of your snowboard will give you problems on ice – you need more balance to stay up.

3. Choose the right slope

When you are learning how to snowboard all you need is a gentle slope without crowds. You don’t even have to buy the ticket the first time, just find a really easy slope and walk up. Some resorts even have beginner slopes that are free and you don’t have to buy a ticket.

4. How To Snowboard – beginner technique

1. Take some lessons. First few hours or days are the worst and a certified snowboard instructor will make things much easier.

2. How to snowboard? LEAN FORWARD! No matter how many times we say it, people always lean back. They get scared when the board starts picking up speed and instead of leaning forward and taking control they lean back and…fall. So it helps to choose a really easy slope where you pick up speed really slowly.

3. Also – you’ll get hurt. This is not an advice, it’s a fact :)  The first time I went snowboarding I could not climb out of the bath in the evening. Every muscle you know and don’t know you have will remind you that you abused it.

4. And remember It’s FUN!!!! It’s tons of FUN!! Its gazillions of fun :) Try it, you will not be sorry. Snowboarding is actually  pretty easy to pick up if you have someone to tell you how to do it right. It is not so much of a technical sport as it is a feeling. Like riding a bike. Sure to learn it correctly you do have to use the right technique, but it’s much less anal about it like for instance skiing. Freedom. In a few days you will be able to ride with no problems. If you are a natural you can do it on your first day. And what is really cool about snowboarding – you progress all the time. Every time you go snowboarding you are a better snowboarder at the end of the day.

BTW, if you are wondering where to – Breckenridge is great for snowboarders and you might use Breckenridge Lodging next time you hit the slopes.

Need More?

These were some tips to push you in the right direction when you are learning how to snowboard. We are not certified to give you real snowboard lessons so we wouldn’t want to teach you something that can leave you negative consequences along the way. This can happen – you know how to snowboard, ride without problems, but still your technique can suck and it can stop you from going to the next level. It’s all because you learned how to snowboard from a friend.

So we searched the Internet for a good online How To Snowboard guide and we really like this one here. Its written by two snowboard instructors from Whistler Mountain. Their lessons were good enough for Travis Rice, Simon Chamberlain, Mason Aguirre…  So if you want to learn how to snowboard or if you want to improve your snowboard ability and push yourself to the next level – check them out. They even offer a few free lessons to see if this is what you want and need.

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  1. says: Raj

    Im going to Canada snowboading in about 2 weeks. I was really nervous but this guide helped me a lot.

    Its my first time out of the UK, and Im going to Sun Peaks. Thanks!

  2. says: Jessica

    yeh my brother is taking me to japan (niseko) this christmas to snowboard and never done it before but at least i know some things now!

  3. says: Jen

    I’m a beginner and it never fails that i always bail of the lift. I never get hurt, well except for my pride 8! Any tips for a smooth transition?

  4. says: KeenBean

    Dude i sure wish that I had read this before I started snowboarding! It seems like it would of helped me a lot more then falling on my ass all the time. ;)

  5. says: alfred

    What is the best snowboard out on the market right now. if someone could post a comment of ones they have thought were nice that would be great.

  6. says: Dave

    Everywhere i went people kept trying to recommend the Burton Clash for a beginners board – i instead went for the Forum Recon which reads well for beginners. Hope this helps.

  7. says: connor

    the first season i started snowboading every muscle in my body hurt and didn’t stop until my second season and i only ever fall now if i get cut off or something but still were a helmet it saved my life on time, i got cut off and tumbled the hole way down the slope from top too botom and ran into 3 poles anlong the way

  8. says: peugi

    Ah those were times, when I 1st stood on a snowboard with an “I saw it on TV and it looked easy” attitude and fell hard 2 seconds after ;D. I can only repeat what’s written in the article: get an instructor and lean forward! I didn’t and it hurt much more than it could have :)

    btw, I started on Nidecker Dragon board -> soft centered freestyle board (random choice, back then I thought there was only one type of snowboards in the world lol). It is very responsive and generally easy-ridden board but now I had to replace it with something more slope-friendly so I got myself a Nitro Suprateam. Advice: rent your 1st board, you won’t need it for long anyway. After 2-3 seasons you will want to buy something ace :).

  9. says: Gita

    Hi! thank you for your site!! It’s something totally new, I’m looking forward to begin!…Collect all necessary and then… I’ll let you know how much it hurted! ;o)…….

  10. says: mark

    thanks alot for the tips, i went today and i biffed atleast 20 times and rolled on my head lol so sore. but i did progress alot

  11. says: jesse

    thanks man
    i just got a new board and had to change the bindings and ive never done it before so i came here to make sure i didnt screw it up
    it really helped
    they feel great


  12. says: Zip

    8)I’m 53 years old and still having fun on the slopes and off the slopes,snowboarding is the most fun you can have with your cloths on….realy!

  13. says: kasey!

    iv been sking 4 about 3 years and im going 2 try snowbording in the winter and i all ways see heaps of beginners falling off the lift and if im going to start how do i try not to fall?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! and THANXXXXXXXX HEAPS!!!!! ;D

  14. says: Kelsey

    thanks for telling me things about snowboarding! i am starting lessons next week and i wanted to know some things about it. what really helped me was the ‘dont lean back, lean forward’ part because i didnt know that! also, the part about picking out snowboards helped me. but isnt the snowboard supposed to go in between your nose and chin?

  15. says: tom

    this is thwe worst site ever hahaha just kiding bro its alright but u need to put some stuff of how to do grinds and jibs so kick it in the ass haha this is some good stuf

  16. says: Kelsey

    Hey.. your links to the Whistler instructors snowboard tips don’t work anymore! Could you repost some fresh links to thier stuff? Thanks!

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