If you wish to start surfing, there is no better time to do so. Getting out on the water and enjoying everything nature has to offer us, all for free, is one of the best ways to exercise. If you are sick of staring at the same gym walls whilst exercising, get yourself a surf board and get surfing. The real solution for changing your life and start exercising is not to buy a gym ticket or hire a personal trainer to push you into exercise but to find a spot that you will become addicted to. A sport that you will not be able to wait to do it, a sport you will start to plan your life around, something that will feel so much fun that you won’t need anyone to push you to do it. Anything else will slowly become boring. For me this sport is surfing, for you it might be something else. But if you are considering surfing, here are just some of the amazing health benefits of getting out there and getting yourself on that surf board.

Shoulder and Back Strength
Surfing can build up many muscles, even those that you may not think of. If you are looking to become stronger, rather than spending each day lifting weights, why not surf? You may also want to carry on weight lifting too, but this gives you a break from the same monotonous action, plus surfing can be great fun. Your shoulders and back will be worked whilst you are paddling on your surfboard. If you want to lose fat and gain muscles as well as surfing, you may also want to try a new diet. Here are 7 Keto reviews which gives you the low down on the best products to build up your muscle.
Cardiovascular Strength
Improving your cardiovascular strength is important to maintaining good cardiovascular health. The healthier your heart is, the less chance of developing heart disease in later life or suffering from a heart attack or stroke. Surfing is a fun way to increase your cardiovascular strength, rather than running on a treadmill or around the same park again. This is mostly strengthened whilst paddling on your surfboard.
Core and Leg Strength
This is the most obvious way in which surfing can improve your health and overall fitness. Standing and balancing on a surf board is hard work, especially when you are fighting against waves. The more you surf, the better you will get at keeping your balance, as your core and leg strength gets better. Once you get on that surf board, strong legs and a strong core is what will keep you up. If you want to tighten your core and make it stronger, surfing is a great way to do so and will make ab workouts a lot easier.
Mental Health
Exercising in general has many mental health benefits as it allows us to release endorphins that make us feel good. Surfing is a great way to release those endorphins as well as getting outside and enjoying nature. Exercising in a beautiful environment rather than in a gym or in your home can improve your mental health and give you a reason to go outside and enjoy the natural beauty of it. It is also a great way to meet new friends and improve your overall wellbeing.
Surfing is a great sport to take up, and once you have bought a surf board, there are no gym fees involved. If you have never surfed before and do not have any friends who do, it may be worth taking some surfing lessons until you feel confident enough to get out there on your own.