Board Blog: Windswell Surf Chasing in the Mediterranean Sea

#22: Island sessions


Island sessions always last for hours, 6 hours this Sunday:). We barely made it home, and when I finally made it bed I was…

#21: Surfing in Snow <3


I always wanted to surf in snow. After a few really cold sessions that thanks to my new wetsuit were not that bad at…

#19-20: Cold


Two days of norther winds on the 20km spot, Saturday was bearable and the waves were pretty good, Sunday the temperature dropped well below…

#8-17: Surfing in Morocco


For the second year in the row the first week of February was reserved for winter escaping surfing in Morocco trip. If last year…

#6-7: Big Waves in Tuscany


After 3 not so epic session in our backyard it was time to again go west. The forecast looked perfect for Tuscany – wave…

#3-5: Meh…


Returning back from Sardinia it was game on after just 2 days. The forecast looked promising, solid session on Friday, an easy one on…

#97: Home Delivery


That was one sick session. It was snowing hard back home, it was raining hard all the way to the spot…you could feel it…

#95-96: For Better or Worse


Two days of surfing back home, one with south wind and one with north. First day the forecast looked kind of sad, we didn’t…