Board Blog: Windswell Surf Chasing in the Mediterranean Sea

#55-56: Summer in Tuscany


Home forecast was all about the end of summer. Rain, cold weather, darkness. So small west coast forecast coupled with sunny 30C weather looked…

#52: Summer, Now What?


This is one of the worst summers ever. Not mentioning constant afternoon rain storms that cut into my MTB time, the surf was crap….

#51: Half Way to 100


The break from the last surf which was…wait, I am going to measure the distance :)…exactly 9.719,53 km away was way too long. 10.000km…

#26: After Work Quicky


We squeezed one after work, now when the day is longer you can stay in the water till 20h. Nothing special surf wise, a…

#22: Island sessions


Island sessions always last for hours, 6 hours this Sunday:). We barely made it home, and when I finally made it bed I was…

#21: Surfing in Snow <3


I always wanted to surf in snow. After a few really cold sessions that thanks to my new wetsuit were not that bad at…

#19-20: Cold


Two days of norther winds on the 20km spot, Saturday was bearable and the waves were pretty good, Sunday the temperature dropped well below…